- * Thinking reaches?
http://ameblo.jp/pure167/entry-11099719842.html Present in the afternoon, the friend 3 person and the lunch & the boring 3 hour half, it enjoyed Apresente na tarde, pessoa do amigo 3 e o almoço & a perfuração 3 horas meia, apreciou
- * Present lunch*
http://ameblo.jp/tanu-tanu-chan/entry-11056757486.html Your present noon was the opening of shop sushi of neighborhood, a liberal translation Seu meio-dia atual era a abertura do sushi da loja da vizinhança
- After a long time pasta
http://ameblo.jp/alcosimo/entry-11068765189.html The present lunch went to the store, Italian ~ ristorante blessing O almoço atual foi à loja, bênção italiana do ristorante do ~
- * At today 38 weeks*, a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/wakayuki/entry-11055995176.html At today, the ♪ which enters into 38 weeks the ~ it is quickly, the [tsu Em hoje, o ♪ que incorpora em 38 semanas o ~ é rapidamente, [tsu
Salmon, Cooking,