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○■ 580 Yen in akb48 history research student official textbook 2011/04/25 sale price (including tax) from lifetime raw collection 2005, to large break 2010
○■ 『akb48の夢 ッ!(第7... 'Dream Kanai [tsu] of akb48! (74th time)'
○■ Optical Hiroshi partner O ikawa “of up-to-date article popularity drama 'partner of movie entertainment-related” category' to descending/disembarking board [nabetsune] in “person of destiny” anger? Omori south. … Akb48 Takahashi seeing common mother arrests which are the model of part? Othello Nakajima “the intellectual [tsu] is dense!”Chairmanship descending/disembarking board decision Yamada Hanako pregnancy! At marriage 2 year long-awaited 1st child, a liberal translation
○■ 「ルーキーズ」よ も面白いの... Because it is funnier than “[rukizu]”, when to TV drama it converts, how probably will be? According to the writer” everyone you will see and” of the protagonist with” evening period”,” the sentence 乃” Yuuko 峯 bank everyone seeing and Oshima of each one akb48, the Takahashi everyone seeing probably will put out the model, is
○■ akb48高橋み み 、緊急... Because the article which calls at the akb48 Takahashi everyone looking and urgent hospitalization confession became matter of concern you tried reading, it is with the [ya] it is
○■ 板野友美(ともち )と仲が良... Itano friend beauty (with are to have) with relations are good, a liberal translation
○■ Mariko Sinoda of the team a of akb48 and the Kozima positive greens oh (Atuko Maeda) with Yuki Kasiwagi of team b had been present in yesterday all star Thanksgiving Day, a liberal translation
○■ 何にしろ、凄いな と... Margin, it is enormous in something, that
○■ As for going phosphorus y ou did completely however, the mosquito net it is the great success ^^ the mosquito net it is in the smiling face just a little to be done, the [chi] [ya] it was, (laughing)
○■ その後も増田有華 佐藤夏希、... After that the Masuda possession bloom, Natuki Sato, the Takahashi everyone seeing, Umeda 彩 good, Matsubara summer the sea, also the Kobayashi Kaori greens intrude
○■ こんな深夜にメン ーが放送局... It became the circumstance which displays the Akimoto personality where well the member comes to the broadcasting station in such a nighttime,
○■ ●akb48秋元才加vs小 島... Ability adding vs Kojima ●akb48 Akimoto the tide muscular proud confrontation abdominal muscles cracking too much, that “(in the gravure) it is corrected with cg”, Akimoto
○■ akb48も「桜の花び たち... Also akb48 started and in “the petal of the cherry tree” release did “the bookmarker of “10 year cherry tree” cherry tree” and cherry tree song, a liberal translation
○■ So when it does, also 3 p eople scream!! A little you start at the point in time when the door is! Rear 3 question continual successes of first 3 question continual failures! But! After that the failure to continue, something! The Takahashi everyone seeing falls off
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