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○■ 1次結果
18コマ 完 大島... Yuuko primary result 18 scene complete sale Oshima, Yuki Kasiwagi, Sinoda Mariko 17 scene sale Matsui 玲 奈 it remains ardently and 1 scene 11 scene sales Maeda Atuko remaining 7 scene 10 scene sale Takahashi everyone sees ardently and ardently remains and 8 scene 09 scene sales the finger field 莉 乃 remains ardently 9 scene 08 scene sales ardently Watanabe flax friend remaining 10 scene 06 scene sale ardently Kozima positive greens remaining 12 scene
○■ 01 rank team k Oshima Yuu ko 17156 vote 12 rank team a Takajo sub- tree 5096 vote 02 rank team a Maeda Atuko 16452 vote 13 rank team k 峯 bank everyone seeing. Flax friend 8582 vote 16 rank ske48 Matsui beauty 3102 vote 05 rank team b Watanabe Satoshi everyone seeing 8833 vote 15 rank team b Kawanishi village English 3860 vote 04 rank team a Takahashi 12056 vote 14 rank team b Kitahara Yuki 3931 vote 03 rank team b Kasiwagi 珠 Rina 2843 vote 06 rank team a Sinoda Mariko 8016 vote 17 rank team k Yokoyama reason depending 2753 vote 07 rank team a finger field 莉 乃 possession bloom 2201 vote 09 rank ske48 Matsui friend beauty 6596 vote 19 rank team b Masuda sub- beauty greens 2685 vote 08 rank team k Itano 7357 vote 18 rank team b Sato 玲 奈 6559 vote 20 rank teamsa warehouse holding Asuka 1793 vote 10 rank team a Kozima positive greens 6537 vote 21 rank ske48 Takayanagi discernment sound 1761 vote 11 rank team k shrine 澤 佐 river 5157 vote 22 rank team a relations river far fragrance 1571 vote, a liberal translation
○■ (カッコ内は速報 の順位です... (The inside of the parenthesis is ranking when promptly reporting)
○■ Looking at 10 rank from s election election result 1 rank, Yuuko 1 rank Oshima. Ratio 1: 2: 1 (golden ratio) Atuko 2 rank Maeda. Ratio 1: 2.1: Mariko 13 rank Sinoda. Ratio 1: 2: 1 (golden ratio) 4 rank Itano friend beauty. Ratio 1: 2: 1 (golden ratio) 5 rank Watanabe flax friend. Ratio 1: 2: 1 (golden ratio) 6 rank Takahashi everyone seeing. Ratio 1: 2.2: 17 rank Kozima positive greens. Ratio 1: 2: 1 (golden ratio) Yuki 8 rank Kasiwagi. Ratio 1: 2.1: 19 rank shrine 澤 佐 river. Ratio 1: 1.9: 110 rank Matsui 珠 Rina. Ratio (for the ske48 member the data there are no 5 people) at golden ratio, as for 3 people above that Kurome tend, a liberal translation
○■ 篠田麻里子
私の 合、うま... In case of Sinoda Mariko me, well there is no influence of the professional, however is,…
○■ 1st rank Maeda Atuko 1398 92 vote (last year 2 rank/bulletin 2 rank) oh, with [me]! 2nd rank Oshima Yuuko 122843 vote (last year 1 rank/bulletin 1 rank) 3rd rank Kasiwagi Yuki 74252 vote (last year 8 rank/bulletin 3 rank) 4th rank Sinoda Mariko 60539 vote (last year 3 rank/bulletin 6 rank) 5th rank Watanabe flax friend 59118 vote (last year 5 rank/bulletin 5 rank) 6th rank Kozima positive greens 52920 vote (last year 7 rank/bulletin 10 rank) 7th rank Takahashi everyone seeing 52790 vote (last year 6 rank/bulletin 4 rank) 8th rank Itano friend beauty 50403 vote (last year 4 rank/bulletin 8 rank) 9th rank fingerThe field 莉 乃 45227 vote (last year 19 rank/bulletin 7 rank) 10th rank Matsui 玲 奈 36929 votes (last year 11 rank/bulletin 9 rank) as expected the absolute ace of akb48
○■ 小倉優子ラー油鍋 お家ご飯... Ogura Yuuko Ra oil pot, house boiled rice, a liberal translation
○■ Oshima superior fragrance : Yuuko Oshima… younger sister of triplet (second daughter? ) Oshima superior rare: Yuuko Oshima… younger sister of triplet (three women? )
○■ 前走、金鯱賞を制 た者と、g... Front running, with person and gi which control gold grampus prize you have a match within 3 arrivals! “Yuki Kasiwagi” and “Itano friend beauty” empty!?, a liberal translation
○■ zip! 06: 10 [shiyoubizuni yusu]- Mitani happiness happy new work completion!! Luxurious cast array “cute gold binding”- You get married at the difference 13 year old of the desired opening & Miura imperial lawful age- With government office wide Osamu & Oguri decade first coaction to large stage- From monopolistic [orando] [burumuoshiyare] villain “three gun loyal retainer” o lands zip! Message
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