- Passing opening Monzen of cherry tree
http://hidekikawa.at.webry.info/201104/article_18.html With the favor where the passing and arriving of the cherry tree of the Osaka mint are too quick, it could look at the circumstances of the opening gate 通过和到达大阪薄菏樱桃树是太快的厚待,它可能看开头门的情况
- Saturday of last week
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/tra_c/e/1ead0373c7383be8a6f5a22471ecbd69 It went” the passing of the Osaka mint to cherry tree” in several year inclinations, a liberal translation 它去”通过大阪薄菏对樱桃树”在几年倾向
- Japanese talking
http://ameblo.jp/ai-y/entry-10509019997.html 'Passing of cherry tree of the Osaka mint' ‘通过大阪薄菏的樱桃树’
- weblog title
http://ameblo.jp/namba-no-sora/entry-10507316817.html Tomorrow, the passing of the cherry tree of 14 day bone-dry mint there is a cherry tree of the kind which changes (to 20 days,) [someiyoshino] which is seen carefully there is the seeing withstanding which is different 明天,通过那里14天十分干燥的薄菏樱桃树是变动种类的樱桃树(对20天) [someiyoshino]看小心地有是不同的看见的承受
Dori Cherry, Reportage, Locality,