- Thought of greenery prize?
http://sakana-muratetsu.cocolog-nifty.com/forder/2010/05/post-77af.html As for [touzagurori] 2, as for end using the good leg it had extended, but there to be a loss due to outside bringing up, 2 arrivals are earnest En cuanto [touzagurori] a 2, en cuanto a extremo usando la buena pierna habían extendido, pero allí ser una pérdida debido al exterior que trae para arriba, 2 llegadas son serias
- original letters
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/keibadehappy7/13344119.html Thinking of [perusataimu] 2.24.3 rising 33.8 current Baba, Derby completely entering range of vision the better seed Comentarios sobre este , Japanese talking
- Greenery prize expectation
http://uma-nori-vacation.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2010-05-01 1 arrival [rodoobuzaringu], heartbeat song 2 [perusa], [toukaimerodei] and excelling suspension, [rodoobuzaringu] and heartbeat song 1 llegada [rodoobuzaringu], canción 2 [perusa], [toukaimerodei] y sobresalir del latido del corazón la suspensión, [rodoobuzaringu] y canción del latido del corazón
Heartbeat, Gamble,