- Thought of greenery prize?
http://sakana-muratetsu.cocolog-nifty.com/forder/2010/05/post-77af.html It became slow, but it is thought of greenery prize of the Derby trial which Saturday was done at Tokyo race track Il est devenu lent, mais on le considère le prix de verdure de l'épreuve de Derby que samedi a été faite à la voie de course de Tokyo
- Connection
http://nomaeru-arashic.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/03/post-bdab.html The movement of the Aiba of the heartbeat which conceals shining neck Le mouvement de l'Aiba du battement de coeur qui cache le cou brillant
- The side of the left hand index finger is painful.
http://sugarless.cocolog-nifty.com/clover/2010/03/post-7c27.html Saturday, going to the [raivu] seeing in the heartbeat, it increased Samedi, allant [raivu] à voir dans le battement de coeur, il a augmenté
Heartbeat, Gamble,