- Ouka prize
http://ameblo.jp/mino0229/entry-10506321060.html But every year, Ouka prize this time has been enjoyed the [ji] ~ [tsu] chestnut the end οοο when you are troubled * [apapane] ○ [oukensakura] △ [shinmeihuji] à [shiyouriyuumun], as for the truth which is the princess memory [tsu] [te] can [ji] when we would like to insert also [eshinritanzu], it is, the buyer, deciding the number of contraction heads in by its, buying, it stopped from the [ru], riding simply, liking the [ru] person, but one time has applied with the jockey extent what, it stopped, (the ´ω `) the result if the [eshinritanzu] coming and others which is [apapane], [oukensakura] and [eshinritanzu] it is not, is three daily double gets, although you want, it let escape with recently, however it is not taken, to squeeze, the betting ticket densely it is with as for, approximately the [ru] horse being entwinedWhether from the [ru] the good can [ji] therefore as for the [u] [chi] completely hobby knowledge increasing, [ku] is pleasant, because (the *^_^*) next week now, most favorite rose kingdom runs, we would like to take, even if with however you think, when it perseveres, with that (o Ω o)
- Ouka prize (GⅠ) Framework sequential decision
http://ameblo.jp/kazu-ykk/entry-10504060049.html Framework order of Ouka prize decided 煜 * Ouka prize (gⅰ) * Osaka and Kobe race track April 11th (day) lawn 1600m①[shiyouriyuumun] (Satoru Sato)②[ginzabonanza] (Hiroshi Kitamura)③Apricot fizz (Yokoyama model)④[kosumonemoshin] (Ishibashi 脩)⑤[motohime] (Ono)⑥Wild raspberry (Hamanaka)⑦[taganoerizabeto] (Kawada)⑧[oukensakura] (Ando Masaru)⑨[apapane] (Ebina)⑩Ready alb Roosa (Wada)⑪[eshinritanzu] (Hukunaga)⑫Stele lead/read (Fujita)⑬[animeitobaio] (Uchida)⑭Jewel of Nile (happiness)⑮[saundobaria] (Watanabe)⑯[ranankiyurasu] (four rank) 17 [shinmeihuji] (Iwata)⑱Princess memory (Katsuura) as for detailed expectation the race/lace day as for race/lace of the tomorrow which is renewed<[niyushi] ゙ [ranto] ゙ trophy (gⅱ)> It will enjoy, 煜* [zu]* The article is written with [te] ゙ [kotenhu] ゚ [re
- Ouka prize④
http://ameblo.jp/poramo/entry-10504135018.html In state of all the horse photo paddocks put out ability from with 3 heads of the warm intellectual new [shiyouriyuumunapapaneapurikotsutohuizu] it may
- This week Ouka prize
http://ameblo.jp/woopie/entry-10500363886.html Sunday just g1 and [ro] [tsu] kana…The [te] you felt and [huotopa] saw once [apapane] it was good, as for [ranankiyurasu] and [ginzabonanza] securely as for the apricot the meagerness (, the [apapane] anti- apricot which the kind of air whose also [shiyouriyuumun] which is not understood well is good does being said, it increases, */_芦毛 but [apapane] being more powerful data, the shank [te] or the Kansai horse is powerful, but…The tamer, with guest sign within 3 [apapane] we want the apricot persevering comprehensively feeling even in [ranankiyurasu], while being born, heavy ones the horse which is shouldered, why the sound barrier which becomes matter of concern -, [shiyouriyuumunginzabonanza] is funny and the [eshinritanzuoukensakura] [te] how is? Something which the pushing reason we would like to see it is difficult, last year it is the large difference
Eshin returns, Gamble,