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○■ As the savior of the peop le of Haiti, seeking the first black president of the United States, he and his able.So much more about the U.S. putting boots on the ground and should have a guilty conscience, the United States Major man-made disaster response the government has the right
○■ Beruribu prime ministe r of Haiti was hit by a major earthquake on the 16th, in the capital Port-estimated 30 million people forced to live on the streets, drinking water, food, first priority is to secure shelter, and ap said communication
○■ 7.0 earthquake, in Haiti, 25, was struck shortly after the Finnish Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund of 20 million euros (about 287.48 thousand U.S. dollars) to support the relief promised
○■ Ministry for the Coordina tion of Humanitarian Affairs (ocha) operated relief web site, are grouped by country to help the earthquake situation in Haiti
○■ gazans collect donations to haiti - Gaza even such people in the earthquake-stricken people of Haiti has begun to raise funds
○■ on tuesday, a catastrophi c earthquake struck near port-au-prince, haiti. the full extent of the damage is still being assessed, but the death toll - already in the thousands - is climbing fast.this is the worst earthquake to hit the area in more than 200 years. entire communities have been ripped apart and as many as 3 million people have been directly affected, including tens of thousands of american citizens who are in haiti.
○■ Rescue team dispatched to Haiti to call emergency assistance to countries - the Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon UN Secretary General of the United Nations on Tuesday, a press conference about a major earthquake that occurred in Haiti, doubt that the face of humanitarian emergencies rather, the demand for large-scale relief operations, he said
○■ , In which he served as a goodwill ambassador in Haiti, or their own yele haiti I have a scholarship or donate to children in Haiti to launch a charity mean, again raising his twitter call activity in and discussed
○■ And Japan s twitter dj an d everyone in between using the movement spread, many also want to set up a donation box where in the club tonight
○■ as this story continues t o unfold, i hope you will continue to keep the people of haiti in your thoughts and prayers, as well as the many haitian-americans who have done so much to enrich our country and who are worried about friends and loved ones in this time of need.
○■ ... Earthquake victims wa iting for relief from hunger in Haiti, killing some 50 million sea of thirst theory 』(Umi s thirst Its original afallofmoondust) and Arthur Clarke c · sf novel was published in 1961 feature
○■ [Video] Haiti earthquake victims waiting for relief from hunger, the theory of 50 million dead victims wait for relief from hunger, haiti earthquake killed some 50
○■ When the earthquake struc k, I was driving down the mountain from Petionville [a suburb of Port-au-Prince, the capital]. Our truck was being tossed to and fro like a toy, and when it stopped, I looked out of the windows to see buildings pancaking down, like I have never witnessed. an earthquake when I was driving to the mountains from Petionville [port suburb of Port au Prince, the capital]
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