- Japanese talking
http://hiroroid00.at.webry.info/201001/article_14.html If the one where we would like to begin horse racing from now on, you see, it is understood
- Ocean S u0026amp; (in Omake) hole in expected Tulip Award!
http://ameblo.jp/daianakyon4/entry-10474720610.html This horse increases, continuing to chase from the summer of last year, but whether from the fact that the horse racing which now is not enough at the place of the one step is continued, local to face also you thought, but because this time there is a possibility without of becoming clock game, you think that sufficiently there is a turn,
- 愛知杯予想
http://blog.livedoor.jp/anaumaken/archives/51312528.html Here 3 games is a disadvantage the behind, dyspepsia horse racing is continued
Apapane, Gamble,