- Satuki prize reminiscence
http://ameblo.jp/nt-colors/entry-10511689178.html [hirunodamuru] was regrettable
- Expectation of Satuki prize
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/goo0528-mansei/e/36b24540652d4046d07cfd5dafd6edd9 [hirunodamuru] (it is young scene s⇒ new leaves s) [eishinaporon] (Asahi cup fs⇒ March prize) [arizeo] (joint communication cup ⇒ spring s) [vuikutowarupisa] (radio 2 year old s⇒ March prize)
- The partner searching (* [vuikutowarupisa]) Iwata, truth you ask, you do properly.
http://blog.livedoor.jp/ssgo/archives/65327891.html As for [hirunodamuru] new leaves s good contents
- He is POWER Elite 2nd (Satuki prize, consideration. [vuikutowarupisa] compilation)
http://blog.livedoor.jp/tomoko915/archives/1140136.html [hirunodamuru] and [danonshiyantei] in the road almost the same position taking
- ラジオNIKKEI杯
http://ameblo.jp/masashige0503/entry-10419868938.html [hirunodamuru] and the D horsefly rust, with [vuikutowarupisa] and [danonshiyantei] (^_^) the o (^-^) o ponkan orange and the Tanegashima specialty where the gift reaches from v Tanegashima grandmother cheaply after it is the paying/inserting potato (^o^), also the material of the pot reached densely with cool house emergency flight
Vikutowarupisa, Gamble,