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○■ Satuki prize group the Ma rch prize group which is connected to that, as for race/lace level of spring s being high the actual proof being completed
○■ 前走jraの重賞 外だった... Is other than high prize of front running jra as for the horse which in the front running 1 arrivals or 1 arrivals without time difference, does cliffhanger the horse which good running
○■ As for the horse which in the past running has started running in not yet victory game 30 being, 0 victories, 2 arrivals 3 time and 3 arrivals 0 time and the inactivity, a liberal translation
○■ 今年もヴィクトワ ルピサに... The kana where the kind of horse which this year follows to [vuikutowarupisa] comes out, a liberal translation
○■ With prize ahead 9r uneve nness the preceding horse of the inside framework has finished to escape that way, the expectation horse was chosen on the preceding horse center
○■ ★☆★☆★☆★☆ ☆★☆★... ★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆ < the Sapporo 9r> Hakodate sprint s1200mgⅲ, a liberal translation
○■ [Horse single (box)]① ⑮⑯(12 points) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- < Fukushima 11r> radio nikkei prize 1800 lawn 3 year old gⅲHandicap
○■ 菊花賞に関しては とまず置いと... In regard to chrysanthemum flower prize if the position it is for the present and solves and (being harsh lineage,), here it is, it wins and can carry to being defeated, a liberal translation
○■ When it enters into the s traight line, [toransendo] which escapes, [vuikutowarupisa] which is chased to hit, with it became, a liberal translation
○■ 前走ファルコンsを 人気薄で飼っ... But the horse which popularity being thin, raises front running [huarukon] s, as expected from 1200 first distance of 2 furlong extension
○■ With the joint communicat ion cup top coming arrival of 9 popularity, with coming plate [gi] prize the embryo of 10 popularity, as for 3 reams single approximately has become the refund gold entering 3 arrivals respectively,
○■ 今日の弥生賞をt でみていたの... However it is to look at present March prize with tv, the [wa] whose [vuikutowarupisa] and that horse racing are well strong
○■ ヒルノダムール( 駒s⇒若葉s... [hirunodamuru] (it is young scene s⇒ new leaves s) [eishinaporon] (Asahi cup fs⇒ March prize) [arizeo] (joint communication cup ⇒ spring s) [vuikutowarupisa] (radio 2 year old s⇒ March prize)
○■ If the how to win of debu t 2 game with suitable strong contents, it has come favorably without fracture recreation, thinking, that it is the horse of classic candidacy no.1, not to be wrong it increases, a liberal translation
○■ チューリップ賞・ 生賞とちょっ... Tulip prize March prize just a little it becomes rough and the better seed [e], the classic how becomes, it is probably will be?
○■ ②アルファベット 馬が連対
4... ②As the alphabet name horse writes with consideration of connected opposite 4/13, 2010 so far gⅰSo the horse where alphabet has entered into horse name ream the Satuki prize corresponding horse thornback which has confronted (a) [shinaporon]⑫ Thornback (a) thin flash⑪ Birdie (d) birdie⑧ Sandy (d) ego City⑨
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