http://ameblo.jp/turetarou/entry-11049853443.html [apapane] 14 arrival and 1 keeper air fell Para traducir la conversacion en Japon.
- Fuchu mare S
http://blog.livedoor.jp/sobata2005/archives/51772457.html With [apapane] to holding down Com [apapane] a manter
- vikutoriamairu no hansei (2011)
http://elliemylove.at.webry.info/201105/article_6.html [apapane] exceeding the chase of [buenabisuta], the 5th crown of mare g� was designated as the hand [apapane] excedendo a perseguição de [buenabisuta], a Ãa coroa do g� da égua foi designada como a mão
- Per [vuikutoriamairu] betting ticket explanation
http://kotobuki1886.air-nifty.com/nichigetsunikki/2011/05/post-0428.html [apapane] being less crowded the rear eye of medium group, 2 horse bodies, [buenabisuta [apapane] menos sendo aglomerado o olho traseiro do grupo médio, 2 corpos do cavalo, [buenabisuta
- recommendation , suggestions, consideration, sentiment , opinion , statument,
http://blog.livedoor.jp/pitimi/archives/51746029.html When [apapane] and [oukensakura] are compared, if spring you look at horse racing, with you think that much there is no ability difference,, a liberal translation Quando [apapane] e [oukensakura] está comparado, se mola você olha a corrida de cavalos, com você pense que muita lá é nenhuma diferença da habilidade,
- recommendation , suggestions, consideration, sentiment , opinion , statument,
http://blog.livedoor.jp/negio1826/archives/65496186.html While displaying respect in [apapane], it designated this as the favorite, a liberal translation Ao indicar o respeito dentro [apapane], designou este como o favorito
- These are many word of blog in Japanese the most recent topics.
http://blog.livedoor.jp/silence_suzuka_/archives/51775459.html With 3 daily double sinks of 1 head axes of [apapane Com os 3 dissipadores dobro diários dos machados 1 principais de [apapane
- Celebration! Mare three crown
http://ameblo.jp/tsune-chan/entry-10679628398.html With the record which can be called great success as a father [kingukamehameha] seeding male horse of [apapane], this year you obtain leading, [re] [ru] spirit, a liberal translation Com o registro de que pode ser chamado o grande sucesso como um pai [kingukamehameha] que semeia o cavalo masculino [apapane], este ano você obtem a condução, [com referência a] o espírito [ru
- Japanese Letter
http://ameblo.jp/uma-time/entry-10678885820.html It goes back the race/lace where [apapane] starts running to Osaka and Kobe jf, it tries looking at the horse which goes the betting ticket inside Vai para trás a raça/laço onde [apapane] começa funcionar ao jf de Osaka e de Kobe, ele tenta olhar o cavalo que vai o bilhete de aposta para dentro
- Japanese talking
http://syndrome.air-nifty.com/mainblog/2010/09/10-33ae.html Does substantial horse weight increase of [apapane] how influence? Faz o aumento de peso substancial do cavalo de [apapane] como influência?
- <2010 fall the bloom prize 〓>- To production as for handling the directly connected rose S group
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/asukatakashi222/26925739.html In [apapane] it winds similarly from trial retreat, returning, seeing. There is a case of [suteiruinrabu] which achieves the mare 3 crown [Apapane] nele enrola similarmente do recuo experimental, retorno, vendo. Há um exemplo de [suteiruinrabu] que consiga a coroa da égua 3
- Japanese Letter
http://blog.livedoor.jp/ss_destroyer/archives/51522396.html [apapane], wears in record of the tall poppy and, a liberal translation [apapane], desgasta no registro da papoila alta e
- 酒の肴に(09阪神ジェべナイル・フィリーズ、レース回顧)
http://blog.livedoor.jp/tomoko915/archives/1027244.html There is no course outside in [apapane Não há nenhum curso fora dentro [apapane
- 阪神JF馬体
http://ameblo.jp/poramo/entry-10406132708.html Balance of the [apapane] standing form, the muscular quantity and Hari when also your satisfactory rear end at once has been good having risen the shank Contrapeso [apapane] do formulário ereto, da quantidade muscular e de Hari quando igualmente sua extremidade traseira satisfatória tiver imediatamente sido boa que se levanta a pata
animate bio, Gamble,