- Oaks & Tokai S end betting ticket explanation
http://kotobuki1886.air-nifty.com/nichigetsunikki/2010/05/s-6b36.html As for betting ticket from [oukensakura] in horse single and same place from [eshinritanzu], in horse connected 3 head box 3 reams single 3 head axes 关于打赌票从[oukensakura]在唯一的马和原处从[eshinritanzu],马的连接了3 3大量选拔3个顶头轴的顶头箱子
- Japanese Letter
http://kotobuki1886.air-nifty.com/nichigetsunikki/2010/04/st-d961.html The betting ticket holds down horse single, [daiwa] of the sunrise prince with horse ream, 3 reams as for single 2 axes 打赌的票持续马唯一, [daiwa]有马大量的, 3大量日出王子至于唯一2个轴的
- Per flower C & [huarukon] S& new leaves S end betting ticket explanation
http://kotobuki1886.air-nifty.com/nichigetsunikki/2010/03/css-fd83.html Betting ticket of present sighing: When the Osaka and Kobe last r, with the addition Mayer shuttle and the pulling cyanide olive and the toe sense turn to which this is difficult to win being perplexed, it tried betting already a head of 3 daily double 2 head axes to [kimutake] j, this time you remained in Komaki j, useless useless and it is, the [a] [chi] [yo] -, a liberal translation 打赌票礼物叹气: 当大阪和神户前r,与这是难赢取为难的加法Mayer梭和拉扯的氰化物橄榄和脚趾感觉轮,试验过已经打赌3个赌两场赛马中之优胜者的赌法2顶头轴[kimutake] j的头它,这次您在Komaki j保持,无用无用和它是, [a] [凯爱] [yo] -
Shinmei fuji, Gamble,