- The buying [tsu] [chi] [ya] it was…Mariko & Ganba Osaka, a liberal translation
http://gamba-kimagure.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/11/post-2ca0.html Mariko Sinoda marikomagazine (the Shueisha Publishing Co., Ltd. mook) Marikomagazine de Mariko Sinoda (o Shueisha que publica o mook do Co., do Ltd.)
- Under blue sky, [bodeipeinteingu]…., a liberal translation
http://rorennsu.seesaa.net/article/229996235.html Mariko Sinoda is victory akb48 is the [ke]. Mariko Sinoda é a vitória akb48 é [KE].
- Mariko's time like this, a liberal translation
http://kirarin405.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/07/post-61a8.html Because as for Mariko Sinoda, me and native place, graduate high school is the same, like this doing, when you observe at that it participates it becomes delightful feeling Porque quanto para a Mariko Sinoda, eu e o lugar nativo, High School do graduado são o mesmo, como este fazer, quando você observa naquele participa ele transforma-se sentimento delicioso
- It offers the bloggerel of Japanese.
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/adad18hime/52120981.html Mariko Sinoda (the right) considerably we like Mariko Sinoda (a direita) consideravelmente que nós gostam
- shinoda mariko �� shashinshuu �� mariko �ס�
http://emilienonikki.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2010-07-04-3 Photograph collection “Mariko” Mariko Sinoda Coleção “Mariko” Mariko Sinoda da fotografia
- It offers the bloggerel of Japanese.
http://takarai-bakaku.cocolog-nifty.com/crit/2010/11/post-4f3c.html Sinoda Mariko burning meat lunch Almoço ardente da carne de Sinoda Mariko
- Mariko rehearsal location valve guest Sinoda New Year's Day, Yuuko Ogura, Noriko Kato, a liberal translation
http://takarai-bakaku.cocolog-nifty.com/crit/2010/12/post-f7c7.html Sinoda Mariko handmade 餃 child, fixed food of a certain day Criança handmade do 餃 de Sinoda Mariko, alimento fixo de um determinado dia
- Junichi's Miho Tanaka and Inamoto association and the bamboo is long the mallow Twitter being disclosed
http://taromemo2010.seesaa.net/article/180357316.html A where we would like to do kimono date in Sinoda Mariko New Year's Day. Onde nós gostaríamos de fazer a data do quimono no dia de ano novo de Sinoda Mariko.
- Japanese Letter
http://itumonoonewss.seesaa.net/article/147696088.html If you mention Mariko Sinoda, it seems that also rumor and the like of the pillow business of the president of the office meets but the tag: Mariko Sinoda Se você menciona Mariko Sinoda, parece que igualmente o boato e semelhante do negócio do descanso do presidente do escritório se encontra mas o Tag: Mariko Sinoda
- Japanese Letter
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/asohira/e/e2ad7d4c9ed77c108d5c56d41020e619 Mariko Sinoda, to [nosuribusu] pon December 28th Mariko Sinoda, pon dezembro 28o [do nosuribusu
- Japanese weblog
http://takarai-bakaku.cocolog-nifty.com/crit/2010/11/post-e6a6.html In the Sinoda Mariko Hakone reed no lakeside, the hand striking buckwheat noodles (as for having the [yu] being disgusted), a liberal translation Na lingüeta de Sinoda Mariko Hakone nenhuma beira do lago, os macarronetes impressionantes do trigo mourisco da mão (quanto para a ter [yu] ser disgusted)
- Japanese talking
http://takarai-bakaku.cocolog-nifty.com/crit/2010/10/post-4c86.html Mariko Sinoda the pasta to want stopping eating suddenly, it entered into the store, a liberal translation Mariko Sinoda a massa para querer a parada de comer de repente, participou na loja
- 篠田麻里子さんもレギュラーに記事のことで
http://myhome.cururu.jp/horobin/blog/article/31002780204 However also Mariko Sinoda wrote on the front article of the [tsu] lever in the regular, not to be the thinking [tsu] drill don which is program name misunderstanding, to think, because [riniyuaru] it was done from today when it is [tsu] drill pon Porém igualmente Mariko Sinoda escreveu no artigo dianteiro da alavanca [do tsu] no regular, para não ser a broca de pensamento [do tsu] don que é engano do nome de programa, para pensar, porque [riniyuaru] estêve feito de hoje em que é pon da broca [do tsu
Shinoda Mariko, Entertainment,