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    Party flag,

    Reportage Politics related words Democratic Party Ichiro Ozawa House of Representatives election 鹿児島 Youichi Masuzoe Debate between party leaders New party Prime Minister Taro Aso House of Representatives elections Kirishima City Hatoyama Leaders debate

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      Para obtener mas informacion, pregunte a los bloggers a enlazar.

    • National flag raising up 揚 stand
      [potsuri] and the national flag raising up which rises 揚 the flag second national flag raising up where the sickle and the hammer are drawn in the red area which is the stand Laotian national flag and symbol of ideology 揚 as for the building of back of the stand because it has deviated from the muscle of the sight-seeing which is the national assembly of the Laotian Diet Building one-chamber system there is no either person who almost goes to seeing in the wide turtle un open space national flag raising up 揚 or encountering to descending/disembarking paying/inserting. . The raising up due to party and the like. Whether there is a descending/disembarking paying/inserting system, when it is Laos which is unclear when, at the official place with the Laotian national flag and, the general kind of home and the like which puts out the Japan Communist Party flag together only Laotian national flag, the flag the many way plural raising up when 揚, is, but when seeing from building side, because you took the second photograph where the right side is higher rank from opposite side to the Diet Building the Laotian national flag has been left side, * Lao %

    • (红色衣裳7月1日)的天中国日本共产党创立第90周年纪念,妇女铸工是生动的与新闻在NHK21之时
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    • Quant à avoir été semblable à Hitler…
      Avec Taiwan sept onze, portant costume de brun qui a été vendu sous le nom de caractère original, à point où les marchandises de l'homme qui guérit [chi] [yo] [Bi] la moustache sont vendues assumant cela a été semblable au président les nazis Hitler allemand, si vous regardez le genre de photographie avec lequel reçoit la protestation du système relatif du gouvernement israélien, pour que là soit l'image du Président Hitler dedans quant juste à la partie de [chi] [yo] [Bi] moustache même, vous pensez, mais si n'est pas les vêtements de troupe parce qu'et il sont pas la caisse que le drapeau de partie de la partie de nazis de la croix principale il est étiré, quand c'est le Président Hitler à l'avance, appliquant le conseil, vous ne montrez pas, quand c'est le Président HitlerAs a dit, quant à la personne gouvernement-connexe israélienne qui n'est pas pensée, vous disent que vous avez exprimé que vous vous sentez que c'est la tragédie qui ne pouvant pas comprendre le fait que l'âge foncé de l'histoire d'humanité où le personnel autorisé du marketing et de la promotion est représenté dans les moyens de dictature de nazis, encore il est % dense

    • Auch die Person, die Steuer ausnutzt, „Ihr politisches [tsu] wird gegewöhnt dicht“…
      Gouverneur Sintarou Ishihara von Tokyo im Interview 27. Januar… „aber von diesem Politik voran Tokyo-in der wichtigen Angelegenheitsnation mit wichtigem vielem und, hat die Notwendigkeit, zum zusammen der gegenwärtigen politischen Struktur zu schlurfen“, arbeitet diese Ozawa Ichiro ursprüngliche Darstellung, oder die Democratic Partei, die weg berührt werden, wenn man neue Parteiauffassung aufdeckt, schnitt das Steuer in der großräumigen neuen Parteianordnung, Ozawa, das dass bedeutet, weil „bis jetzt, dass die Ozawa neue Partei hinter ihr gewesen ist, Wahl „es suchte, kennzeichnet das Gesicht der neuen Partei, die Kämpfe“ als jemand, zum im Versuch, Kaieda zu produzieren von Ozawa typeWan Li, tiefes Wasser Sumio des Pferds, mit Eizin Ozawa „es kurz das Band bildet, ist, sogar in weniger gedrängt werden ihm ist“, „kurz, was das Angebot anbetrifft der Idee, in der das Gesicht“ gefundener „auch Ozawa Bürgermeister Tetsu unter der Osaka-Brücke der Sitzung“ Darstellung der Osaka-Wiederherstellung ist, die 炯 Auge, ändernd zur Auffassung, wiederholend zum Fall in Liebe, vermutlich tut, vom vertrauten Platz“, (politischer Reporter der nationalen Zeitung) „das Gesicht der neuen Partei“ 秀 Kapitel Gouverneur und [ta] Omura von Aichi-Präfektur ist

    • As for 2310 China you see, (1210) the Taiwan president selection: Horse English nine president res-election (on), a liberal translation
      1. Переговор комнаты клапана конторской работы Тайвань института государственного дела объявления общественный: «Получена поддержка соотечественника Тайвань мира обоих банков», выбор «перевыборы президента 2. Тайвань президента английской языка 9 лошади» 3. выбора «английские языки 9 президентов уносят перевыборы», 1. страны президента Тайвань лошади. Стойка. 选. 谈话 диаграммы 发: . Сработанность банка. Стойка. 1507:47 поддержки 2012-01-: 00 приходя источников: Новое 华网 2. Пачка 选举结 领导 области Тайвань людская. Англия. обязанность 连 15-ое января 06 2012: 59: 03 приходя источника: Новое 华网 3. 选 персоны 领导 области Тайвань. Бросать. Англия. 胜 оно приходит вне, период дня ткани 发: 2012-01- 1510:03: 17 источников дыхания доверия приходя: Клапана конторской работы Тайвань института государственного дела корпорации 1. 华 объявления переговор комнаты нового общественный: Xinhua которому «получает поддержку соотечественника Тайвань мира NEC Пекин 14-ое января обоих банков» сетчатый: Клапана конструкции Тайвань Коммунистической Партии Китая комната центрального общественная, как для должностного лица отчетности комнаты клапана конторской работы Тайвань института государственного дела общественного все предложение которое объявляет переговор сегодня (14 дня), относительно результата выборов выбора президента Тайвань следующим образом: Путя «почти 4 лет когда результат выборов президента Тайвань выбор был ясным показывал, отношения обоих банков (факт средств стойки)

    • If it is not the 菅, anyone is good, a liberal translation
      These are talking of Japanese blogoholic.

    • Something “life of the citizen is first” what?
      Sujets de fournir rapidement les dernieres japonais.

    • http://b2-1591yamato.iza.ne.jp/blog/entry/2533438/
      Porque * porque 昌 Liberal-Democratic nacional de Nisida do partido do relé da dieta (2011.12.06) a casa do ~ de Osamu do ~ da pergunta do comitê de orçamento dos conselheiros * esta vez o retrato que é desobstruído do meio que é causado do retrato animado, mudou no retrato animado da seqüência, que você pensa, se a contagem delicada (aproximadamente 3 segundos) é uma peça que deslize, cada soul do samurai do consentimento como [burogu] 'a prata de que acima tem feito já a peça rotular a causa, há um retrato (painel e semelhante) do relé e, quanto para a esta abreviatura do cumprimento do dia do começo onde o subtítulo e o artigo passado etc. a que a memória é é unida no cada índices das perguntas como o dataBecause quanto para à Ãa aparência quanto para à parte ambígua que a abreviatura honorífica do título é difícil travar, quanto para ao nome da testemunha que se transforma katakana ou o sinal que é falta da confirmação de, (? ) Nisida que foi 昌 unido Osamu: De obtenção -, era hoje a deliberação centralizada “da política e o ouro”, porém é, [miliampère], que aquela, alguém faz que pergunta entretanto está livre, você não pensa? , agora %

    • YouTube
      Dave DK - Hug for Japan: http://t.co/OUlhfpN6 via @youtube

    • Japanese talking
      Assunto para a traducao japonesa.

    • Japanese weblog
      As for name of the new party where the Liberal Democratic Party Masuzoe main point one front public welfare work phase 22nd in the afternoon, with Tetuo Yano former foreign-affairs secondary minister of state visits the Liberal Democratic Party headquarters, 23rd in the afternoon submits the secession report the reporter interviews inside capital, announces new party launching of business formally, in the new party which is adjusted with the direction which is made “new party reform” Masuzoe, other than the Yano both person, the Watanabe 秀 middle of Councilor and reformation club Masakatsu Koike who submits the secession report to the Liberal Democratic Party, Hiroyuki Arai, in the prospect representation where 6 total of Councilor Toshio's Yamanouchi each participates MasuzoeAs for Masuzoe who is the direction where Watanabe's each person is inaugurated as Arai and the advisor in the Secretary General 22nd morning, before the home inside the capital in press corps, “the rain falls however, it is refreshing”, that you talked frame of mind, after that, inside the National Diet, the thought of submitting the secession report to the same Japan and China %

    • Japanese weblog
      The Liberal Democratic Party public welfare work phase of Masuzoe main point one ago which forms the new party on the 23rd (61) with national anti- Chairman front House of Councillors Tetuo Yano (63) although 22nd in the afternoon, the secession report is submitted in the Liberal Democratic Party headquarters Secretary General Tadamori Oshima vis-a-vis Masuzoe, way the Assemblyman you resign in proportion representation on the basis of the fact that it is elected in House of Councillors selection as party official recognition, as for Masuzoe who states the intention of new party formation on the 21st was calculated, one dawn it is 22nd 8:50 AM to leave the home inside capital to around, concerning present frame of mind in press corps “However the rain falls, it is refreshing”, you said, after that, inside the National Diet concerning the way of the new party as for shape of the explanatory new party “you think that it becomes the procedure that it changes this into the new party, entering reformation club once, but to the last 'Masuzoe new

    • original letters
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    • NHK Sunday video recording of discussion (May 1st reporting) seeing, you hear in the increase attachment new party
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