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○■ The free tar, the house i s bought, “, trouble of the mother you see Okamoto Masahiro flat Inoue far Maruyama Takashi Ikawa Kaori Rina Kazuya Ninomiya which already is unreasonable” 玲 the Yokoo 渉 玄 village Ootomo Kohei Wasio Matiko 眞 island Hidekazu child 嶋 one 哉 Tanaka Soutarou Yamamoto dragon two 嶋 heaven punishment it goes down in the woman “true criminal whom it makes a contract with Daisuke Sakaguchi Riyouko Takenaka Naoto Asano Atuko [girutei] demon!” 寿 discernment it company President Karasawa Koutarou Megumi Yoshida rikiya Yokoyama Saori water sword star Takizawa good fortune shoal Mitiko Hiroshi Tamaki Miho Sugaya Kanaya (Yutaka Yamazaki it is thick) the sweetheart far (Iwasa Makoto 悠 child) grandmother [mie] of Kanaya (the upper Oka 紘 child) the moat of the private secretary (Sakurai saint)
○■ Genuine Osamu who begins the byte at the construction site whose temporarily, percentage is good, a liberal translation
○■ [buroguneta]: As for the drama which is wanted re-broadcasting? While participating drama you do not see recently completely, it is, don't you think? the ~ (the ^_^;)Because drama so the favorite it is not, (laughing) simply, is wanted re-broadcasting the drama… whichDon't you think? however Chinese character of title you forgot, 'it points, [yo] [u] Taeko last incident' kana? Asano Atuko starring…Suspense? It was feeling…It is what, once more would like to see, the air where the performer of criminal part everyone performance the [kire] [te] [te] is rather good does…It was the genuine offender like…That extent kana ~
○■ The story that as for dra ma, the youth who does engineering works part-time job, takes a second look life from a certain opportunity, restarts, a liberal translation
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