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○■ 保健体育
○■ In [so] [hu] [te] [tsu] ( at-x)
○■ そして、例のはな を切りだし... And, it started cutting releasing the example, a liberal translation
○■ So, if you say, making th e broom eat between the crotch, the body 悶 has obtained the witch about 3 to be, the seed
○■ さてさて明日はテ ト最終日!... Well well tomorrow test last day! Economy, a liberal translation
○■ It is the meaning where s omewhere of such women is good…
○■ これは、男子が女 することが... The boy the woman equipment doing decided this,
○■ The one which you think t hat it was good reading this article, when voting, is more delightful, is, a liberal translation
○■ この頃、私の友達 あまりin... This time, my friend stopped doing in excessively -
○■ The [u] it is, it was tru ly good Kugimiya, a liberal translation
○■ あんまりにもバタ いたせいで... With the consequence which pumped even in remainder, the air was not attached to winter [komi
○■ That day I do not know th e name of the flower which was seen yet, a liberal translation
○■ あと実家には帰ら いです... Without returning to the rear parents' home, it does
○■ The [a], something now, t he elementary school student doing, the drum and fife the [ru] [tsu] [po] it is, ww
○■ 「日記」カテゴリ 最新記事... There is also up-to-date article decision power image training “of diary” category? It is in campaign! After so long a time is, but…
○■ “Although class it does not do to change, the [te] is good” that, it was the son who had insecurity in new class, but it seems that the member of class and the teacher of charge like, a liberal translation
○■ 今期は「タイバニ ー」「いろ... The present term “it is [taibani], -” “be the skin -” the varieties being said
○■ Simply, unexpected charac teristic was not felt conversely
○■ | tb : 0... | tb: 0, a li beral translation
○■ Increase the lesson 21 im pression from hair type the clothes, to the toe pay attention drawing of the abnormal play which the lesson 22 woman thinks Imagawa who finally Ando confesses to
○■ --------------...
○■ But (the #3) work what po or of category without ardently but the [te] impressed △ 緋 aria of the bullet (the #3) as many as 1 stories to the certain Hollywood movie to be similar the ◯ radio wave woman and the springtime of life man (the #3) it was funny too much, a liberal translation
○■ (*´∀`*)... (*´∀ `*)
○■ Because Japan is an origi nal number, it is some consolation
○■ 学生はポカーンと いているか... Perhaps, the student [pokan] you have heard, but from the point of view of me they are the contents which stop wanting to take memo
○■ Because with class of las t week the student of 1/3 or more had been absent with the nursing experience, it advanced with the class contents which combine the review of last week
○■ もちろん肉も食べ よ... You ate also the meat of course
○■ Something the face become s red, a liberal translation
○■ そしてこのラジオ 2人で話す... And with this radio it was good being able speak with 2 people
○■ “Part especially growth ”, a liberal translation
Health and physical education,