- Early early plan, a liberal translation
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/ryutaro720927/33962603.html Because with class of last week the student of 1/3 or more had been absent with the nursing experience, it advanced with the class contents which combine the review of last week 由于与上星期类有的学生1/3或更多是缺席的与护理经验,它推进了与结合回顾上星期的类内容
- From eye [uroko, a liberal translation
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/ryutaro720927/36324423.html Way in the past, it has recorded in the diary, class of golf of the name cherry tree university (practical skill), you taking charge shrine village preferential raw you can raise the shrine village three sibling, it increases, a liberal translation 方式以前,它在日志,类记录了命名樱桃树大学(实用技巧)的高尔夫球,您优先未加工您可能培养寺庙村庄三兄弟姐妹的接管的寺庙村庄,它增加
- Classmate
http://tenten330.cocolog-nifty.com/mikkabouzu/2011/08/post-2a51.html If being easy to know, only class you hear the how to teach the teacher, many you do not review and it was how to teach also the [te] enters into the head swiftly, a liberal translation 如果是容易知道,只分类您听见如何教老师,您不回顾的许多,并且是如何也教[te]即刻地加入头
Health and physical education, Education,