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○■ 「サイズ指定があ んだけど、... “There is size appointment, but it is the cloth buying, it makes?”With daughter, a liberal translation
○■ “That [tsu]” and the wife who increased the voice of the surprise, a liberal translation
○■ だからこそ私は、 の日本の... Therefore very as for me, current Japan large. Loss of pride and the moral which enlarge in collapse and intellectual distraction and irresponsible it is tremendous it fears and, simultaneously, there is no with something, it means that the kind of air which can estimate the situation perhaps how to think present prime minister and in the near future, it can happen, does
○■ “The [hi] of the adult to see the series” constitution doing truly, it increases, a liberal translation
○■ 最近の画像つき記
[ 画像一... Recent picture being attached article [to picture summary, a liberal translation
○■ School hygienic member hy gienic physical education sectional meeting standing committee
○■ 保健体育・英語・ 術家庭科だっ... It was hygienic physical education English technical home economics!!
○■ At today hygienic physica l education commission end! Just in the bazaar of tomorrow end!, a liberal translation
○■ もちろん、大学に 職したくて、... Of course, you wanted to be employed to the university, because such it did that you are foolish, it is not, a liberal translation
○■ With being the case that it is said, it is enormous in the stopping which is for decaying from here
○■ これからも・・僕 ちの活躍と言... My participation even from now on, rather than if association in the [ku] seeing which is badness it is fortunate
○■ [buroguneta]: You will ac quire nickname to your own k tie! In the midst of participation
○■ 【教本】
まじでぜ んぶるびがふ... The [ze] is the [bi] which puts on airs is shaken with the [ma] [ji], (^q^) the feeling which designates hygienic physical education as [shiyuru
○■ The new character of eigh t state school university international high schools which appear from 2009 'to do, - because this time of today when you understand -' four-panel cartoon to 7th story up★ what kind of [kiyara] it is possible, to read from ♪ school hp, as for the person who is interest go!! (Kato it passes: Cartoonist illustrator)
○■ ads by livedo... Everythi ng in order to do the hygienic physical education (software cover/book) cute romantic love of ads by livedoor 30 year old is a coconut! The mule which it does? * It returns to the bulletin board, *? Entirely? 1 -? Up-to-date 50? |? Mail? 1 100 where it collects at a time - 101 - 201 - 301 - [PR] 婚 life the method of becoming skillful? In famous human specialist thoroughness interview! [PR] the object searching searches at the livedoor new construction apartment!! 鶯 valley sunflower 1: [ken]: 2008/06/12 (Thursday) 00:44: 48 id: The rbbmwepc0 [chi] feed it is or, it is to try the [chi] probably to enter densely but someone information you probably will have? 335: There is no name of [deri] lover
○■ <As for appraisal item each 5 point perfect score > as for the respective appraisal item it becomes each 5 point perfect score
○■ 電波女と青春男(b s-tbs... Radio wave woman and springtime of life man (bs-tbs)
○■ Appraisal title thought [be] [ru] [ze] [babu] (the #19) as for new [kiyara] however it is good, as for the spiritual world the ◯ flower which is boring the iroha which blooms (the #9) filial piety is unfortunate
○■ 英語は常に平均点 れなくて、... English did the average mark not taking [te], it was always troubled rubbing,
○■ Because by his liked this work, you recommend
○■ 神のみぞ知るセカ � 話を全... Because the groove of God the [sekai] � story which is known is not known completely, being able to enjoy to that appearance, the [ru
○■ Tomorrow mathematics and home economics and technology and science?
○■ 好きな科目は?美 :なんとな... Favorite as for subject? The fine arts: How, without
○■ As for the protagonist th e normal woman who familiarly is to be bad well in the place where it is different
○■ アニメの方は(関 では)現在... Animation (with Kansai) presently Charles flying, the girl Charles lovely is about to become hit and miss, but the kana which [seshiria] is not defeated
○■ Yesterday term-end test i t ended at last, a liberal translation
○■ ちなみに途中ちょ ともたもた... By the way, the middle just a little being inefficiently, the fact that the cherry is stuffed to the bottle was nearly 4 o'clock in the morning, \ (^o^)/
○■ Don't you think? the [u] ~ it is, it does not become good
○■ 【ニコニコ動画】3 0歳の保健... The hygienic physical education lesson2 “new deep kiss” of 30 years old
○■ ○ November 22nd (fire)
Health and physical education,