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○■ 4月14日はいつもの の生... April 14th is birth commemoration day of usual person, (; ^_^a [asease]… there is this 1 annual various thing, cannot call with one word
○■ When it cannot meet to ei ther the [kijitora] younger sister and… gets off the bank the cat tile straw everyone who gets together it is vigorous! As for the brown [tora] [tsu] child which is taken the air in the tail of the small mother…
○■ ちょっとは涼しく るかな?... Just a little the kana which becomes cool?, a liberal translation
○■ By the way, the chamois p lug of the cat after this comes to the point of being raised at the house of [kiyon] and is loved in the [kiyon] younger sister
○■ いつもの場所のメ 猫は手術済... Because the female cat of the usual place is the operation being completed, don't you think? map you, it was always shaken tinted autumn leaves panda of the [ya] ~ usual place and Hisashi finally it went outside, (the ^▽^) as for panda “me in the queen the [ya, a liberal translation
○■ ○が0~4個の人
孤 に激しく... The ○ the 0~4 the person the calm composed black cat type ○ which lives lonely extremely the 5~9 in only the person whom the number of people person can rely on the attack tiger cat type which do not produce by your, a liberal translation
○■ 3. It is carried the favo rite<○>4. Being concerned to the many people, you receive the favorite<○> 5. It is disliked to go out,<○>6. The hair is fumbled the favorite<○>7. Name goes is called with immediately<△>8. We fear any which are seen for the first time<○>9. We fear the animal other than the human<Ã>
○■ 10.よくこけたりド を踏む【... 10. It is hollow well and/or steps on [doji]<○>11. [bo] - there is many a thing which has been made the [tsu]<○>12. It is attached immediately even with the person who does not know<Ã>13. Directly it is before the stove<○>14. It is disliked to be single,<△>15. It can presume, if anyone is good<Ã>16. Image from everyone was the cat<△>17. Finally the [ya] - with you say<△>18. When if anything it is m<△>19. Be tired thing does not withstand<○>20. Appearance entirely is leaving<△>
○■ でも、最期はやっ り人間の側... So, last moment side of the human after all, making go on a journey, a liberal translation
○■ It became this kind of sa d conclusion, but considerable preparedness and protection of the kitten which requires decision
○■ 【猫的性格診断バ ン】
1... 1. It is stroked the favorite <○> It is softened, it becomes drowsy, a liberal translation
○■ Up-to-date article spring “of pentax k-5” category. Making a noise. The [ichi] conclusion which with the north park of the Indian summer holiday which it glides is cautioned in the small bird doing, being careless, the Sunday third section production which makes an excursion coming and rising and the cat punch which goes to meeting in the tortoiseshell cat we returning the [doya] face it does, small it is cold
○■ 三毛猫ホームズに 姉妹探偵団... Three sisters detective groups, we liked series ones in tortoiseshell cat [homuzu, a liberal translation
○■ ということで突然 すが gwの... With it is abrupt with the notion that where you say, but the goal of gw!, a liberal translation
○■ recent entries | The time s novel quickly the victory person of the cloud [mu] exhausts at the barrel crow gold Japanese radish heart star one - looking, cooking 帖
○■ ちょっとは読みや くなったか... Just a little that when you think whether it became easy to read, [chi] waiting [ma] job is rewarded, a liberal translation
○■ タグ: 福山雅治 藤賢司... Tag: You kiss to the Fukuyama elegance Osamu Endo Ken Osamu forehead
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