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○■ Also the person Tsunoda's way does, it is,… with it became the feeling which would like to shake hands with [nakama] and [nakama
○■ The platform [re] of Kiwa ko part it was and, and, small Kaoru where very it was the beautifully sad woman the extent where the cheek loosens was lovely
○■ If Teruyo Tsunoda and hea vily the pine it is clear and Youko Ogawa and Okuda England bright and Yoshida Osamu one and Yamada 詠 beauty, the picture book which the conception is done can be imagined and there is no with something and it may it is to think, but whether the picture book [tsu] [te] of the Inoue wilderness, it keeps rolling to some direction, because it is something which cannot do either the imagination completely, it will have been exciting
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