- Stock silence
http://ameblo.jp/time-is-money-aya/entry-10282874390.html En japonais , En japonais , linked pages are Japanese
- Luck sack
http://web-lunch.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2010-04-25 Because Teruyo Tsunoda is 1967 origin on my four, it projects his own generation well in the work 由于Teruyo Tsunoda是1967年在我四的起源,信息技术项目很好他自己的世代在工作
- Japanese talking
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/chiyo79/e/d3781f0d98799c7b64de0e4db2ee20d3 Only Teruyo Tsunoda reads recently the empty, with the feeling which is extreme distressing the excitation red sandal wood shelf 仅Teruyo Tsunoda最近读空,以是极端的困厄励磁红色凉鞋木头架子的感觉
- Japanese weblog
http://ahoudori.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2009/09/post-a270.html Tsunoda's “night you read the rainbow which is required,” when finishing to read “the last son” of Yoshida's with intolerable feeling, energy you ran out and ended Tsunoda的“夜您读了需要的彩虹”,当完成读“最后儿子”充满难容的感觉,您耗尽并且结束的能量时的吉田的
Kakuta Mitsuyo, Books,