http://linda-james-com.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/04/417-a9ec.html The stomach it does before the Hanami, and others in obtaining to the lunch O estômago que faz antes do Hanami, e outro na obtenção ao almoço
- '12 cherry tree searching visiting castle north parks, a liberal translation
http://fuyusobi.tea-nifty.com/toiki/2012/04/post.html While Hanami to do, lunchtime kana?, a liberal translation Quando Hanami para fazer, não fizer você pensam? andando [tsu] [te] é bom -
- Cherry tree of Kamogawa river levee, a liberal translation
http://panjiy.cocolog-nifty.com/ajisai/2012/04/23-af0c.html It enjoyed Hanami Apreciou Hanami
- Para obtener mas informacion, pregunte a los bloggers a enlazar.
http://pannotana.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2012/04/post-fcc3.html In addition to being in Hanami concentration, the photograph Friday with the wood of [roji] the lunch after doing, the cherry tree of the east institute of technology which it walked Além do que estar na concentração de Hanami, a fotografia sexta-feira com a madeira [roji] do almoço após fazer, a árvore de cereja do Instituto de Tecnologia do leste que andou
- Rather than being the cherry tree?, a liberal translation
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/eiko-doll/e/2702b337055ae5ff2f847aef22698fc4 While Hanami to do, don't you think? the walking [tsu] [te] it is good - Quando Hanami para fazer, não fizer você pensam? andando [tsu] [te] é bom -
- osome noo hanami
http://selbstgesprach.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/04/post-f5d9.html Whether it will do even with Hanami, when, being soon, [teikuauto] having lunch, in the Osaka castle, a liberal translation Se fará mesmo com Hanami, quando, sendo logo, [teikuauto] tendo o almoço, no castelo de Osaka
Weeping cherry, japanese culture, Nature,