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○■ But as for 2009 April 6 s olar eclipse growth serious ♪ Hamamatsu city Nishi Ku Shinohara Cho in the small school which the eldest daughter commutes partly due to the fact that it is famous as the area of production of the new onion, has cultivated the onion, so is
○■ 「食育で地産地消 学ぶ」と言... It is something where “in the food growth the area area of production going out is learned”,
○■ 「あしがら農の会 カテゴリの... “The [a] to do and others, the intended June of thing Odawara organic village making conference of meeting of the distribution sort soybean of meeting of up-to-date article agriculture of meeting category of agriculture” farm working seal is made, a liberal translation
○■ 最新の更新情報は ちら(... As for information of up-to-date renewal this ( ) With it checks!
○■ Please the teacher foreve r, in order to be able to come being the true making hand which swings soul, the happiness which connects Sawayama's person it is the preacher “of the food” and in order and others doing, we pray from heart, a liberal translation
○■ 食育とかをちゃん 考えたことは... Food growth what was thought properly increases however it is not, to that or eating that either ones, that thinking whether from the [ru], well it is good,
○■ Therefore very informatio n exchanging, it begins from the fact that it is possible, it means that the companion of the same thinking is necessary
○■ その後は、紙芝居 手遊び... After that, paper play and the hand play, a liberal translation
○■ おはようございま 昨日のお夕飯... ohayougozaimasu kinou noo yuuhan �� hokke �� komatsuna tonamekonoohitashi �� niwatori supearibu to konnyaku no kan shin ni �� hakusai to nozawana no asaduke ke �� yamaimo sute^ki �� o misoshiru �� go meshi saikin �� mae yori washoku ga suki da ^ yakizakana mo hokke ga ichibansuki desu konnichiha korekara musume wo he mukae ni iki masu yokohama ni itte kuruyo anpanman youni atte kimasu minasan mo yoi �� nichi wo funabashishi nai jitaku saronpuchi sekken kyoushitsu �� candy
○■ 参加者の力を結集 て高い木の... Concentrating the power of the participant, on the high wood
○■ Correspondence to that ch ild of the teacher seeing, don't you think? the extent which becomes, with thinking, talking with the teacher, it was called cod “mother and consist of”
○■ タグ: 自己啓発 日新聞... Tag: The self enlightenment Asahi newspaper pasta dolce free paper information magazine hors d'oeuvre [orasoma] cooking researcher vegetable sommelier [bu] it is the [bu] it is Kyoto, it is the [za] to be, it is to become, rikako insert woman power rise city life cooking seminar one juice three greens [bejihurumaisutapipia] [me] [hu] mother direct transmission [itariankaraserapisutojiyairokineshisu] it is the [za] to be, the classroom kitchen lab r Takarazuka city public information bin sugimoto [gurimamu] information magazine announcement [barentaindekochiyokokara] lecture [shiyuka] recipe lab piattopiatto yukimi junior sommelier, a liberal translation
○■ 今日は相方が休日 勤... Today partner holiday going to work
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