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○■ おはようございま 練馬の女性専... Good morning the Nerima woman private integral body institute it goes to morning when it is “integral body which is and Ueda of the crescent moon” [pirateisu] for the first time, when how the time Tet lith stops impossible, only using sleep time, it becomes, because mostly, it is morning, it is drowsy current, not to leak being drowsy, as for morning [pirateisu] one day passes in the feeling where also [karada] is good occurring may being the place where the air does,…The morning of Tokyo metro ○ easy town line, the diamond is disordered generally, generally, but “for being congested,” is, the natural way you announce, a liberal translation
○■ テトリスをずっと ってると
し... Doing the Tet lith directly, whatever seeing as the [ru] for a while, whether there is no experience which is visible in block of the Tet lith (((゜д゜;)))
○■ It ended also the piano l esson of the son safely, ended the lesson within year entirely - - the son in the interval which does the assignment is in the midst of being absorbed in the game
○■ iphone買ってから暇 見つ... After iphone buying, finding spare time, (mostly spare time) doing, it increased
○■ 「ヒマよな〜dsで ームしよ... “Spare time - the game to do with ds, kana - (^-^; )” We had decided to buy the puzzle game of the Tet lith and the like in medieval times, a liberal translation
○■ まぁ本当はどうな かとかそ... If well that above that you think truth whether how is and usual our conscious excessively the [tsu] [chi] [ya] receiving [do, a liberal translation
○■ この状況で、早く 弾を処理... In this circumstance, processing margin, the processing margin [tsu] [te] it hurries the bomb quickly, a liberal translation
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