- [ababababaton, a liberal translation
http://myhome.cururu.jp/laugh_yz/blog/article/51002700928 “If when by his both the appearance inside is the beauty, it associates with the adult man”, the [a] [a], with, when it associates with the adult man with this age, crime?, a liberal translation “Se quando pelo seus ambos o interior da aparência for a beleza, associa com o homem adulto”, [a] [a], com, quando associar com o homem adulto com esta idade, crime?
- Everyday punishment game.
http://d.hatena.ne.jp/hanaru/20111115 Borrowing this place, you apologize deeply , a liberal translation Pedindo este lugar, você desculpa-se profundamente
http://twitter.com/AMZN_AR #Argentina 14%OFF #deal $219.94 Nintendo 3DS with Super Mario 3D Land - Flame Red http://t.co/7hhPuk5a #videogames #valentine #3ds #gaming
- Japanese Letter
http://myhome.cururu.jp/nagatolover/blog/article/81002740837 In this circumstance, processing margin, the processing margin [tsu] [te] it hurries the bomb quickly, a liberal translation Nesta circunstância, margem de processamento, a margem de processamento [tsu] [te] apressa a bomba rapidamente
- Japanese Letter
http://ameblo.jp/yuki0322kanon0705kagrra/entry-10266633664.html Also the tip of this, directly directly, a liberal translation Igualmente a ponta disto, diretamente diretamente
Tetris, Video Game,