- Japanese Letter
http://blog.livedoor.jp/analyst_zaiya777/archives/51861586.html When with political main leadership it has left around, the encircling net being united unnoticed, it is resignation Cuando con la dirección principal política se ha ido alrededor, la red de cerco que es inadvertido unido, es dimisión
- weblog title
http://kdy000077.iza.ne.jp/blog/entry/1703544/ Government the national strategy room which abandonment, presently has been put in place the national strategy bureau conception which put out as the eyeball which is directed to political main leadership in fact “the adviser” mark set the policy of downgrading to the think tank, a liberal translation El gobierno el cuarto nacional de la estrategia que el abandono, actualmente se ha puesto en el lugar el concepto nacional de la oficina de la estrategia que puso hacia fuera como el globo del ojo que se dirige a la dirección principal política de hecho marca “del consejero” fijó la política de degradación al laboratorio de ideas
- Japanese weblog
http://kdy000077.iza.ne.jp/blog/entry/1704249/ You say the defection which also idea of political main leadership backs up you do not obtain Usted dice que la defección que también la idea de la dirección principal política sostiene usted no obtiene
- The Democratic party new executive committee it is decided, (each company editorial)
http://87493296.at.webry.info/201006/article_5.html Political main leadership it is good, why, not being able to consume the bureaucracy?, a liberal translation ¿Dirección principal política es el buen, por qué, no poder consumir la burocracia?
- The existence impression of long wife Akira public welfare work phase has faded, that. It stopped seeing certainly with news and, what is done, it is, ~ everyday the newspaper 2010 April 18th morning edition [politics which is read
http://hakusanjin.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/04/no-65b6.html Under name of political main leadership, blastopore Kazuhiro general affairs phase cut the vice minister from old administration age, a liberal translation Bajo nombre de la dirección principal política, la fase general de los asuntos de Kazuhiro del blastopore cortó al viceministro de la vieja edad de la administración
House of Representatives election, Politics ,