- It was the [damashi] revenue source, you attach the abandonment to Democratic party [maniyuhuesuto] of rose maquis policy, the neck which becomes Cabinet remodelling 挿 you change and prolong life with job
http://buster21.at.webry.info/201101/article_25.html But, as for true crisis first it is that Mas, quanto para à crise verdadeira primeiramente é aquele
- How life to [se] local selection
http://j-darkside.cocolog-nifty.com/hakidame/2011/01/post-9bfb.html But, as for true crisis first it is that Mas, quanto para à crise verdadeira primeiramente é aquele
- Japanese weblog
http://ameblo.jp/uranews/entry-10689001035.html But, the politician in order his own to be convenient, seems that tears pledge selfishly Mas, o político em ordem seus próprios a ser convenientes, parece que os rasgos prometem egoìsta
- Japanese weblog
http://turarekuma.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2010-11-04 But, the top Okazaki [tomi] child of public peace is troubled recognition being very sweet, Mas, a criança superior de Okazaki [Tomi] da paz pública é o reconhecimento incomodado que é muito doce,
- Either Tuzimoto that this does not explain, the Democratic party entering should be stated gently!
http://stamen.iza.ne.jp/blog/entry/1718775/ But, also next term party chief candidacy the crisis atmosphere collects in Tuzimoto's secession which regards Mas, também candidatura que principal do partido seguinte do termo a atmosfera da crise coleta na separação de Tuzimoto que considera
House of Representatives election, Politics ,