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○■ 小泉政権を引き継 で安倍政権が... koizumi seiken wo hikitsui de abe seiken ga hossoku shitaga �� abe seiken ga hossoku shita �������� nen �� gatsu ni kan �� suga �� shi ga takenaka shi no koukei toshite soumu sou ni shuunin shita
○■ minshu tou hatoyama sei ken ga hossoku no hatsu shigoto de minaoshi �� jikkou teishi �� shitara �� minaoshi hitai
○■ 麻生政権末期に河 元官房長官... asou seiken makki ni kawamura moto kanbou choukan mo kimitsuhi hikidashi giwaku gaarimashita
○■ asou shushou ni kakko t aru shinnen to seisaku gaareba �� 4 nenmae no yuusei kaisan noyouni �� ore noyari hou ni fuman nayatsuha kounin shinaitoyarebaiinodakeredomo �� soregadekinaikara �� ima no asou seiken gaarunodarou
○■ 麻生政権発足から だ8カ月... Still from Aso administration start 8 months, a liberal translation
○■ 鳩山総理は知らな ったと言っ... Prime Minister Hatoyama saying, that you did not know, should have returned the money to the mother, it is
○■ The Democratic party simi lar to the House of Representatives plenary assembly, was the intention which waives question even at budget committee, but because question 3 days it is done to 5 days, policy was modified
○■ 麻生政権末期の定 給付金や千... It offers the bloggerel of Japanese.
○■ 麻生政権期に、日 の核武装を容... In Aso administration period, the Japanese nuclear armament is admitted, the voice which or it tries probably to urge above that had been audible suitably from the American official source, a liberal translation
Aso cabinet,
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