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○■ 自公政権
○■ It was new National Diet dispute after the administration alternating, but both the ruling and opposition parties it was vague
○■ Also in March of this yea r our public administration striking out highway 1000 Yen [potsukiri] with 2 annual limitation, with spread of the etc equipment where right is plugged, met to increasing the user of the highway which similarly is the treasure house of right, we want thinking of it is to be,
○■ . With such a [wake], it is not put out in the manifest, “the mouth approximately” it just was not carried out, it was [naze] perfectly or, “pledge was torn!”Although the people who are and how have been agitated are as for if the existing mass communications you say, the Democratic party putting out in the manifest, continuing to attack the fact that it has been about to execute [ru] “pledge” the [ru
○■ The Democratic party with the manifest, the unskillful shelf, with thinking has arranged the subsidy or the benefits or rose maquis item, but basis of the revenue source is not clear, that it is said to the Liberal Democratic Party
○■ As for the House of Repre sentatives holding down, the Democratic party holds down House of Councillors with our public administration
○■ Futenma transfer of facil ities, confusion inside the government where also white paper conversion anxiety is related to the transfer of facilities problem of the US military Futenma base in the stupor Japanese-American agreement which becomes deep became deep
○■ Those where it stands in the standpoint where peaceful principle or the constitution which take the policy where the Democratic party administration parallels to the request of demand for military supplies industry is obeyed, it is the problem which becomes the big lydian stone
○■ Pirate measure started wi th the dispatch escort ship 2 09 March under our public administration, on the basis of marine police action,
○■ As for the Democratic par ty unintentionally to just a little front, you must be in December, it was these defensive general principles, that those ahead are sent
○■ 2010 February 11th (wood) place Osaka city central hall opening place 13: 30 openings of a meeting 14: 00 ends 16: 15 demonstration starting 16: 30 (after the ending, with wreck exchange program)
○■ Pages Web liees ecrit en japonais ,
○■ Jointly you proposed any good things and, so those which are not it did not cooperate even with the Liberal Democratic Party Komeito legislation of house members bill
○■ The point which considera bly changes from our public administration age is one
jimin Komeito administration,