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○■ 六甲山の一部を崩 た土で神戸港... Reclaiming the section of the Kobe port with the earth which destroys the portion of the Rokko mountain, the port island which was made
○■ The photograph above (fir st as for estuary west side, second as for from east side record) the way, even in the snipe plovers other wild bird, the tide pulling, it has appeared in the range whose good environment is wide
○■ こんなに社会保障 膨れ上がって... While discernibly, that social security keeps swelling up so, therefore how the excessiveness which is held down to 44,000,000,000,000 Yen 300,000,000,000, a liberal translation
○■ 話は地震に戻って 実はロシア... hanashi ha jishin ni modotte �� jitsuha roshia no jishinyochi saito wo mita noha �� betsuno saito de jishinjouhou wo ete karano koto deshita
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