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○■ なんか途中で終わ たからよく... Because something it ended midway, to be good it is from the [wa
○■ By the way that person an d others the gong! So it is association of [wota], but w this contents is good, is, but performance of the dubbing artist is splendid, is, a liberal translation
○■ ただ、マタの声が ほっちゃん... Simply, because voice of [mata] was [ho] [tsu], you permit
○■ あまりに長い間、 ログもして... Because for a long time, either [burogu] had not made excessive, circumstances of New Year the ^^;
○■ Expectation (that with la w “of new [kiyara], the girl of recollection appears in the last time”, as for the sword whose cause of [e] demon animal conversion is red it is the instrument of the lath boss because
○■ 「天使全滅作戦」 、人間の方... “The angel total destruction maneuvers” [te], also the human calling exceeding the angel, it increases and, a liberal translation
○■ ・ キリン さんが きです... We like the giraffe, with we like the elephant
○■ Although even, simply it is the funny work the [ho] [tsu] coming out, 100 it is times attractive due to [ru] thing
○■ その資料探してま て…... That data searching, increasing,…, a liberal translation
○■ Certainly unless brand is appointed, perhaps the milk it is difficult, it is mistake of the parent! It is like with you think and starts and how without two people who the pulling [tsu] densely are pulled out, always drinking the milk once in feeling, it remembers [ru] brand
○■ 今日は暑いのでシ ワーでした... Because today is hot, it was the shower, a liberal translation
○■ あと、麺無くなっ 後の味が濃い... After, the noodle after being gone, taste is dense, is, a liberal translation
○■ “naruto strong wind tra nsmission 436 story” “person it is with you do together”, the [te], also guy teacher calls to [ri] is expectation, but… with the [tsu] [te] thing which is preparedness that much, really it tries to live probably will be, but
○■ 今日は、午後から 業の日... Today, from afternoon day of class, a liberal translation
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