- jukkai
http://plaza.rakuten.co.jp/fg214mp139kd354/diary/201108170001/ The numbers “of the failure talks which now can be said”… Sato break the stick with the [tsu Os números “da falha falam que agora pode ser dita”… Ruptura de Sato a vara com [tsu
- やっふぃー
http://myhome.cururu.jp/thedeepdeepsea/blog/article/81002815398 That data searching, increasing,…, a liberal translation Essa pesquisa dos dados, aumentando,…
- バトンためすぎた結果がこれだよ
http://myhome.cururu.jp/mazyututennmakai/blog/article/81002756695 When that day comes, saying, you show!!! ( Quando esse dia vem, dizer, você mostra!!! (
hocchan, Anime,