- These are talking of Japanese blogoholic.
- These are many word of blog in Japanese the most recent topics.
- 2011.8.4 , a liberal translation
akb48shop …
- AKB48 rider
http://ameblo.jp/hiroshi712/entry-11044996185.html akb48 … &hellip akb48;
- The good fortune wooden [ri] the reason which sells!
http://ameblo.jp/katsumix/entry-10960744930.html akb48 … &hellip akb48;
- Everyone's recommending?
http://ameblo.jp/ooosaruoosaru/entry-10976507743.html akb48 … &hellip akb48;
- Temporarily streetcar commuting
http://ameblo.jp/hiroshi712/entry-11045547324.html akb48 … &hellip akb48;
- Favorite*
http://ameblo.jp/cloverhappiness/entry-10974051551.html akb 4822 nd…, a liberal translation akb 4822 nd…
- * Flattering 弥*, a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/cloverhappiness/entry-10974056234.html akb 4822 nd…, a liberal translation akb 4822 nd…
- Tokyo women style
http://ameblo.jp/cloverhappiness/entry-10973769507.html akb 4822 nd…, a liberal translation akb 4822 nd…
- Dream
http://ameblo.jp/cloverhappiness/entry-10974056681.html akb 4822 nd…, a liberal translation akb 4822 nd…
- Destiny
http://ameblo.jp/cloverhappiness/entry-10974058498.html akb 4822 nd…, a liberal translation akb 4822 nd…
- Mariko Sinoda serves center, the jacket photograph (3Type) “of [mariko] announces from AKB48 on”!!
http://z-enta.livedoor.biz/archives/52795738.html [jiyake] copying “of [mariko] rescinds from akb 4824 th single on”! “From akb48 on [mariko]” jacket photograph rescindment!”Enormous [mariko] way” appearance akb Sinoda center tune, [jiyake] copying open Mariko in Gulliver!? From akb 'above as for [mariko]' [jiyake] copying open Sinoda your sexy older sister, a liberal translation [jiyake] kopierend „von [mariko] widerruft akb 4824 vom Th, das auf einzeln ist“! „Von akb48 auf [mariko]“ Jackenfotographie rescindment! “ Sinoda akb Aussehen der enormen [mariko] Weise“ Mittemelodie, [jiyake] kopierendes geöffnetes Mariko in Gulliver!? Vom akb „oben was [mariko]“ [jiyake] kopierendes geöffnetes Sinoda anbetrifft Ihre reizvolle ältere Schwester
- AKB 4824 th single selection is the [ke] is the conference
http://murakazu77.seesaa.net/article/226836599.html akb 4824 th single selection it is. Atuko akb48 Maeda (oh). akb 4824 einzelne Vorwähler des Th ist es. Atuko akb48 Maeda (oh).
- 1 surface most major candidates of sport newspaper of 21 days, a liberal translation
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/adad18hime/52385115.html akb 4824 th single selection it is the [ke] it is the conference akb 4824 einzelne Vorwähler des Th, die es [KE] es ist, ist die Konferenz
- 8/5 connecting corridor running parties 7 “you throw, kiss meeting”
http://ameblo.jp/hatitorai/entry-10977095706.html akb48 shop… shop&hellip akb48;
- These are many word of blog in Japanese the most recent topics.
http://ameblo.jp/ryosuke-s1007/entry-10972008244.html akb48 sum… sum&hellip akb48;
- The child cat, under the large venture = streetcar floor, while travelling calling voice - the Keihin northeast line temporarily it stops, JR east
http://ameblo.jp/ryosuke-s1007/entry-10972007616.html akb48 sum… sum&hellip akb48;
- , a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/ryosuke-s1007/entry-10972009793.html akb48 sum… sum&hellip akb48;
- ITTE KOI! Forty Eight #14 (2011-07-31)
http://ameblo.jp/ryosuke-s1007/entry-10972034127.html akb48 sum… sum&hellip akb48;
http://ameblo.jp/ryosuke-s1007/entry-10972386874.html akb48 sum… sum&hellip akb48;
- Irabu 秀 shine death
http://izakaya-waiwai.seesaa.net/article/217403407.html akb48 flying get Fliegen akb48 erhält
- “Sea monkey 4” is, so,
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/ra_sou_kantoku3/e/ed6df7551f006c966b9c9fa27a7a1601 Mori Aa's Mina akb48 Ooba [hanashi Mori AA Mina akb48 Ooba [hanashi
- Don't you think? real time please persevere!, a liberal translation
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/ra_sou_kantoku3/e/9c21b5554035184eddcf25c1c90cf6d3 [hanashi] nmb48 Shimada 玲 奈 activity self-control [rupan] three world theater edition [rupan] vs human clone of Mori Aa's Mina akb48 Ooba [hanashi] nmb48 Shimada 玲奈 Tätigkeit Self-control [rupan] Ausgabe des drei Welttheaters [rupan] gegen menschlichen Klon von Mori AA Mina akb48 Ooba
- These are talking of Japanese blogoholic.
http://geinouuwasa777.seesaa.net/article/224057474.html The akb48 2nd it is [ke] it is conference [chike]. Das akb48 2., das es [KE] es ist, ist Konferenz [chike].
- Reservation of U2 'Achtung Baby' [anivuasari] edition limited board
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/taroster/e/25c462513b8a1981892de19545075c98 akb48, new single sale day decides! Tokyo event, pv viewing dl transmission 30,000 Yen of new tune “cs channel” from here the #8203; Cheap personal computer under multi #8203; Number! yahoo…, a liberal translation akb48, neuer einzelner Verkaufstag entscheidet! Tokyo-Ereignis, pv-Betrachtungs-DL-Getriebe 30.000 Yen der neuen Melodie „Cskanal“ hier vom #8203; Billig unteres multi Personal-Computer#8203; Zahl! Yahoo…
- The New single of AKB48 “the wind has blown”, sale decision!!
http://z-enta.livedoor.biz/archives/52778880.html 3 shots of akb48, revival support tune [jiyake] copying first open Maeda Oshima & Itano, a liberal translation 3 Schüsse akb48, Wiederbelebungstützmelodie [jiyake] geöffnetes Maeda Oshima u. Itano zuerst kopierend
- The super popularity ♪ arrival [u] it is & we to recommend arrival [mero], the [chi] [ya] it is, (the ^◇^) (2011/07/25)
http://utamovie.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2011-07-25 akb48, most in the artist whose pv is sexy… - yahoo! News akb48, die meisten im Künstler, dessen pv ist reizvoll… - Yahoo! Nachrichten
- everyday and [kachiyushiya
http://ameblo.jp/otobe-ayako/entry-10956249831.html akb48 being lovely, the baby [demo] it tried doing akb48, das, das Baby [Demo] reizend ist, das es versuchte zu tun
- In AKB [tori] [iratsu]? ---The ayu it has had trouble? [ano] program “[dotakiyan]”
http://andorian21.iza.ne.jp/blog/entry/2446965/ Because akb48 takes, the shock! Already the ear! In like reason, a liberal translation Weil akb48 nimmt, der Schlag! Bereits das Ohr! Im wiegrund
- (
http://ameblo.jp/masa-0720/entry-10975436512.html With akb48 everyone's recommending?, a liberal translation Mit akb48 empfehlenden jeder?
- [tsuito] summary of 09/15
http://denshi1230.seesaa.net/article/226142245.html The popularity which hides with akb48! The healing girl of 17 years old electronic book with “me and heals [tsundere] and [haidega]”, voice! - Cinema today the Nakata [yasutaka] areola Satoru 哉 electronic book still from this Die Popularität, die mit akb48 sich versteckt! Das heilende Mädchen von 17 Jahren alten elektronischen Buch mit „mir und heilt [tsundere] und [haidega]“, Stimme! - Kino heute das Nakata [yasutaka] Areola Satoru 哉 elektronische Buch noch von diesem
- , a liberal translation
http://blog.livedoor.jp/fieldtail/archives/52032492.html 2012 “Sinoda Mariko a2 calendar” of akb48<< 2012 >> “a2 calendar” akb48 << 篠… Price: 1,680 Yen (including tax and postage extra), a liberal translation 2012 „Sinoda Mariko a2 Kalender“ akb48> „a2 Kalender“ akb48
- The AKB album, without handshake meeting in the number of wonder!
http://plain-clothes-note.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/09/akb48-3dbd.html Big 2 these pillars which support the cd sale of akb48, Große 2 diese Pfosten, die den cd Verkauf von akb48 stützen,
- Don't you think? as for earth day to be possible. Weekend it is the heroine.
http://logex.cocolog-nifty.com/weblog/2011/08/post-b4a3.html 'The chocolate of the mouth-to-mouth transfer of akb48' doing ranking in, the better seed, a liberal translation „Die Schokolade der Mund-zumund Übertragung von akb48“, das innen Klassifizierung, der bessere Samen tut
- AKB48 information (this day)
http://murakazu77.seesaa.net/article/225038250.html The finger field of akb48 莉 乃 (the [tsu] to do, -) on the akb48 (akb) center Das Fingerfeld des 莉乃 akb48 ([tsu] tut es, -), akb48 (akb) auf der Mitte
- “Is thin the cherry tree ogre” also AKB48…Mariko's time like this! Becoming
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/pmoon001/30503288.html The book which Mariko the Sinoda of akb48 navigates, can study common sense of society pleasantly even from small school high grade, a liberal translation Das Buch, das Mariko das Sinoda von akb48 steuert, kann gesunden Menschenverstand der Gesellschaft sogar vom hohen Grad der kleinen Schule angenehm studieren
- Public holiday
http://murakazu77.seesaa.net/article/230745872.html The article category of akb48, a liberal translation Die Artikelkategorie von akb48
http://murakazu77.seesaa.net/article/230746456.html The article category of akb48, a liberal translation Die Artikelkategorie von akb48
- Don't you think? the attention is attracted.
http://katsudesu.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/09/post-d0f6.html There was an underwear [mekapichi] John's where 3 people (Yuuko Kozima positive greens Oshima Kawanishi Satoshi beauty) of akb48 have done cm enlargement poster, a liberal translation 3 Leute akb48 (Yuuko grünt Kozima Positiv Oshima Kawanishi Satoshi Schönheit), dort waren eines Unterwäsche [mekapichi] Johns, die cm-Vergrößerungsplakat tut
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/shimonoseki_club/35155970.html Like akb48 it makes the various team with the various members, would like to challenge to various things, a liberal translation Wie akb48 bildet es die verschiedene Mannschaft mit den verschiedenen Mitgliedern, möchte zu den verschiedenen Sachen anfechten
- Lower stratum
http://ameblo.jp/avav55/entry-11038703567.html akb48 if it is extolment, k-pop and contrast, is still to be a persuasive power akb48, wenn es extolment ist, k-knallen und kontrastieren, sind, eine überzeugende Energie noch zu sein
- In AKB48 calendar BOX reservation acceptance, a liberal translation
http://iemoto.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/10/akb48box-c761.html akb48 official calendar box2012 you inform akb48 amtlicher Kalender box2012, das Sie sich informieren
- [nosuribusuameburo] establishment, a liberal translation
http://murakazu77.seesaa.net/article/215644927.html Atuko akb48 Maeda (oh). akb48 information (this day) akb48 information (this day) Atuko akb48 Maeda (oh). Informationen akb48 der Informationen akb48 (dieser Tag) (dieser Tag)
- Today AKB48 (AKB) about, a liberal translation
http://murakazu77.seesaa.net/article/230746540.html Yuuko akb48 Oshima ([korisu]) information. akb48 (akb) Takahashi everyone seeing (., a liberal translation Yuuko akb48 Oshima ([korisu]) Informationen. akb48 (akb) Takahashi sehendes jeder (.
- The animated picture of AKB48, a liberal translation
http://plaza.rakuten.co.jp/saiwai3jp/diary/201110140000/ akb48-related item special edition, a liberal translation Sonderausgabe des akb48-related Einzelteils
- 110802 it is remarkable [terehi] ゙ “AKB48” “SKE48”
http://ameblo.jp/ryosuke-s1007/entry-10973223874.html akb … akb …
- O que voce esta procurando informacoes sobre o Japao encontrado.
http://murakazu77.seesaa.net/article/222868759.html Atuko akb48 Maeda (oh)., a liberal translation Atuko akb48 Maeda (oh).
- Para traducir la conversacion en Japon.
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/taroster/e/168b8840a7395a062ab3e67251e31319 akb48 “me and the baby it does not make?”You do too much voice!! From November 1st noon, it understood that the official provider “akb officialnet” of akb48 services starts akb48 „ich und das Baby, die es nicht bildet? “ Sie tun zu viel Stimme!! Ab dem 1. November Mittag, verstand sie, dass der amtliche Versorger „akb officialnet“ der Dienstleistungen akb48 beginnt
- DVD of George [harisun] sale ~ not yet released image and interview etc
http://spadea.seesaa.net/article/227390469.html 2012 calendar of Yuuko's akb48 Oshima. Kalender 2012 von Yuukos akb48 Oshima.
- Tomoko Tabata a adore, quanto para a sua pessoa Yosinori Okada do nu da mola quente de Miho Sugaya!?
http://ameblo.jp/entamelife/entry-11033681356.html akb48 … &hellip akb48;
- Wada [aki]孩子、Miho和[korabo] Hukuhara
http://geinouuwasa777.seesaa.net/article/224569029.html With effective today of akb48 team 4 Mori Aa soldier/finishing. Mit wirkungsvollem heutigem Tag akb48 Mannschaft 4 Mori AA des Soldaten/des Vollendens.
- [tsuito] summary of 09/15
http://denshi1230.seesaa.net/article/226133025.html The popularity which hides with akb48! The healing girl of 17 years old electronic book with “me and heals [tsundere] and [haidega]”, voice! - Cinema today the Nakata [yasutaka] areola Satoru 哉 electronic book still from this Die Popularität, die mit akb48 sich versteckt! Das heilende Mädchen von 17 Jahren alten elektronischen Buch mit „mir und heilt [tsundere] und [haidega]“, Stimme! - Kino heute das Nakata [yasutaka] Areola Satoru 哉 elektronische Buch noch von diesem
- It can get the super Flah game of large popularity! (2011/09/09) , a liberal translation
http://yurugame.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2011-09-09 The make-up you drop the akb48 finger field and do not use!? From ripening women in advice… - [terebidogatsuchi Die Verfassung fallenlassen Sie das Feld des Fingers akb48 ssen und verwenden nicht!? Von reifenden Frauen im Rat… - [terebidogatsuchi
- asadora joyuu �� ike waki chiduru no netsuai gazou ga ryuushutsu �� dansei to michi chu^ �� o himesama dakko !?
http://ameblo.jp/entamelife/entry-10972830426.html akb48 … &hellip akb48;
- 8/1 �� gatsu �� kantou engan bu no houshasen ryou to jishin joukyou
http://ameblo.jp/kenichi0420/entry-10972110200.html akb 4824 th… akb 4824 th…
- „AKB48 AKB vollständig das ~SummerTour2011~“ stellte Liste ~ Kagoshima ~ ein
http://ameblo.jp/ryosuke-s1007/entry-10973432839.html akb … akb …
- takaoka ao suke wo hihan suru motegi ken'ichirou to hama mura atsushi �� sono urajijou toha !?
http://ameblo.jp/entamelife/entry-10971017729.html akb48 … &hellip akb48;
AKB48, Entertainment, Music,