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○■ [runowaru] to talk as typ ical case of impression group it is many is that, but first stage, mid term, the latter term and late season and there was a colorful work, saw and did not grow tired
○■ [mone] and [runowaru], th e work of famous artist such as Picasso and van Gogh it is many, large it is to be satisfactory, as a volume of exhibition, but even among those being good is the work of Claud [mone
○■ From first to end looking at exhibition, as for impression, as for the artist who has variety this much it was whether it is not to be in other things,
○■ This time 16 - the pictur e of 80 points of 47 artists of the 20th century skill it was possible sufficiently from the European picture collection
○■ And, perfect score passin g! Then, in the return being transfer hard in the city, at the “large-sized book store” [kore] ↓ purchase
○■ “[mone] [runoaru] impre ssion group new impression group spreading/displaying” it went to seeing at the Matsuoka fine arts museum
○■ Master [runowaru] of impr ession group managed, most the masterpiece “[muran] [do] [ra] [giyaretsuto]” of the impression principle times which are known in world was raised
○■ As [jiyaponizumu] influen ce of the Japanese picture color has appeared densely in the picture of impression group when
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