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○■ 今日は私もゼロノ も勝舞もグー... konnichiha watashi mo zeronosu mo kachi mai mo gu^tara desu f^_^;
○■ kyou no jibika deno mac hijikan de genkai sunzen no zeronosu ni nagura re (@_@) tataka re �� issho ka ( warai )
○■ ↑↑↑これ 映画版 ルーキーズ健... The [tsu] which is this movie edition [rukizu] health version of the ↑↑↑!! (^-^) v the instant which was seen to pull [zeronosu] directly, accompanying, (laughing) it went to buying, the ~ (^-^) it was possible it to be v health version, because (the *^^*) it sells out directly, (the @_@) you do not hesitate!! Don't you think? was, (laughing) and this coming the ~ which it probably will enjoy (laughing), a liberal translation
○■ 今日カウンセリン の先生と話... The teacher and story of present counseling being possible, it was good truly!! The [tsu] [te] thinking, it increases!! (^-^) Way thing of v [zeronosu] you do not worry too much,
○■ カブトでは、ザビ (蜂)、ド... With [kabuto], [zabi] (the bee), [doreiku] (the dragonfly), [sasodo] (the scorpion), [gatatsuku] (mulberry tree abnormal play), the punch hopper and the kick hopper (together the locust), [dakukabuto, a liberal translation
○■ You forget [zeronosu] imm ediately, it is, ~ (*_*) today paints set and the clay if the telephone being (sweat) the ~ (*_*) which is carried that does not try is not the thing left behind anymore from the [tsu] coming school, <- the communication register it is check always
○■ 彼らにお盆休みな かない!... The tray you go to bed in them, no serving! Mask rider [ohuishiyarudetahuairu
○■ ブログネタ:七夕 お願いした... [buroguneta]: In the midst of the thing best3 participation which we would like us to ask to Star Festival, a liberal translation
○■ As for the electric king movie, in two weekly continual release, 1 sections the new electric king compilation 2 section the [zeronosu] compilation 3 section as for the [deikeido] compilation 3 section however perhaps, 3d and empty no cod [kora] the 貼 [tsu] as for the w movie of the summer when it solves, usually sort at about 80 minute, [goseijiya] about 30 minutes
○■ 仮面ライダー×仮 ライダー×仮... It has linked to mask rider à mask rider à mask rider the movie super electric king [toriroji, a liberal translation
○■ とりあえずこれだ 言っておく... Just this speaking temporarily, a liberal translation
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