- 読み間違えた。
http://zakuzaku.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2009/04/post-d847.html Derby 卿 [shiyouwamodan] of ct and the favorite doing the foot sweetly, outside arrival Derby 卿 [shiyouwamodan] von ct und der Liebling, der süß den Fuß, äußere Ankunft tut
- ダービー卿&大阪杯予想!
http://ameblo.jp/deepteru/entry-10236917139.html Derby 卿 challenge trophy (g3) kanji character , Japanese talking
- タケミカヅチ、重賞初制覇☆
http://ameblo.jp/19960404marbo/entry-10237105700.html Derby 卿 challenge trophy (lawn 1600 meter, giii), [takemikazuchi] of 1 keeper air in 1 minute 33 seconds 7 high prize first conquest! [takemikazuchi] which medium group is attached a little before in the last straight line, sneaked away race/lace, from confound conflict Essa opiniao , Japanese talking
- 大阪杯とダービー卿チャレンジトロフィーの予想。
http://lunabana.cocolog-nifty.com/2nd/2009/04/post-2dcc.html Derby 卿 as for ct it is well from the [wa Derby 卿 was ct anbetrifft ist es gut von [wa
Mayano raijin, Gamble,