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○■ Dream Sunday enters, bein g defeated to the aforementioned 2 heads, but the inside framework to put out this time it escapes and you can expect the stickiness
○■ So far, the result in the long distance game was conspicuous, but after a long time (after 3 years) 2000m game starting running
○■ While enjoying the other 2 year old horses which come out from now on, we would like to designate the Keio cup as expectation
○■ It did not turn sign, but the single horseman it escapes and is visible and is visible and Nakao [mie] 1 dream Sunday, aims with the popularity abnormal play falling and eye 6 request song, front running contents well it holds down to 14 [desutoramente] which counterclockwise are agreeable
○■ If [anesutori] is apprais ed, gold grampus prize, also the same horse 2 appraises with the medium day newspaper cup and must solve
○■ Don't you think? [buenabi suta] it appeared to the Sapporo commemoration as a race/lace before the triumphal return gate prize invading
○■ The result of horse body inspection, it could start dream Sunday that way with the notion that where without abnormality you say to the horse body, but being clear, fair horse racing could maintain the fact that it is influence in running is inexpressible
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