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○■ �� rekishi wo shiri �� rekishi wo iki �� rekishi wo tsukuru �� supiritto wo o tsutae surunaruhodogatten poddokyasuteingu ha kaki karao kiki itadake masu
○■ Noh play appreciation mee ting was unprecedented, but the seat which arrives before the raising the curtain 15 minute was well the seat in 1 floor 9 line 11.12 of the front seat, a liberal translation
○■ On end of the fall the way, the [ma] [wi] [ri] [te], fall of end in Takano, you express the [se] [te] thought [hi] and in the [ke] [ru]/make the furrow and also capital becomes uninformed and ends and is not attachment Yamazato of the fall when it shakes (west line)
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