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○■ 今日はウエパで王 こと八神連く... Today after participating in the Oji thing eight God connected [ibe] 2 section with [uepa], as for the night it was [tenimiyu] theatergoing!! As for Oji [ibe] the ~ which is unprecedented!! Live Oji talk is just a little to experience in [piyuabo] of the other day, but… the Oji varieties enormous ^^2 section to be clear the head, passing, being when (they are 1 sections, because morning it is quick, the don't you think? sweat) the serious [chi] [tsu] [ku] story being… (the deformation trench coat [tsu] [po] which already that it wears well to be, having entirely, the [tsu] it is with you think, however it is, don't you think?! It is brand what of somewhere, in that 130,000 the [tsu] [te] which is attached! ) Well -, Oji's stray talk in calling the shank, a liberal translation
○■ トレンチコートに 色のサング... The sunglasses of brown, [atatsushiekesu] is held in trench coat and [tomi] of the acoustic operator who has been made cyclone 々 (teo) at the time of speaker check of morning various musics are applied, but it is ♪ good quality it is dense and thornback sir, jazz and tango…And 'radio gymnastics'! When [tomi] 'lets flow the music of radio gymnastics' quietly, it is not from also somewhere, the theatrical company member tile straw appearing, with everyone radio gymnastics! To second accurately from first!! Also the person who that, [wakiwaki] is done securely [ne]! Certainly when also the day of production color it is the theater it reaches, being densely, radio gymnastics doing, the [ru] it is probably will be, a liberal translation
○■ ☆color☆
・... ☆color☆ white lavender beige green pink lead navy gray black à white pink à white black (only black at present we have sold completely), a liberal translation
○■ Becoming cloudy with the rain, while being dim, the well enough large quantity falling, the car which runs through the [ru] rain, a liberal translation
○■ 本当はかなりお安 買いました... You bought truth rather cheaply, but the shopping which is made [suka] ~ [tsu] after a long time was done, the ~, a liberal translation
○■ Yesterday “Malta 鷹” with across the pacific (the Pacific Ocean crossing) you saw comfortably from the noon with as a day off,, a liberal translation
○■ 春コートの2010今年 はこれ... Spring 2010 this year of coat with this the rule!, a liberal translation
○■ So, so so, me, raising th e collar of trench coat after a long time, the un pan and the milk we were the schedule which tips in one hand, it is, but because you got angry, you stop
○■ これは絶対に、ま 袖を通して... As for this absolutely, you want through the sleeve first is!!!, a liberal translation
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