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○■ リーグ戦5試合目 ナビスコカ... Including [nabisukokatsupu] and replacement game with the league game 5th tournament, it is the victory with the 10th tournament, a liberal translation
○■ もちろん私は、闘 王本人がこ... Of course if I, when fighting 莉 main person of the king would like to keep advancing this reformation together, this person is a motivation, that we would like to keep working by all means together, story was done, a liberal translation
○■ July 30th (Saturday) 19th paragraph @ Todoroki track and field place * tournament result Kawasaki [hurontare] 0−1 (first half 1−0) Urawa [retsuzu] score person: The numbers of 10 minute own goal attendance: 20,047 people, a liberal translation
○■ にほんブログ村に 加してい... It participates in Japanese [burogu] village
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