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○■ 「ちょっと・・・ 行く?♪」... “Just a little… it goes? It is ♪” examinee, but it is test period, but it is the inside stating important, but about 1 hours it went
○■ ベッキー(先生) どんどん授業... [betsuki] (teacher) keeps advancing class steadily, a liberal translation
○■ When throwing [betsuki] a nd the ball, looking at the eye properly, breath [ru] Aiba super is easy together! The shoulder uniting also Omiya, it is lovely, - the sweetheart ♪ which does not have height difference
○■ ブログネタ:映画 本編終... [buroguneta]: Movie and main part end
○■ やっぱり本人が言 とおり「大... Don't you think? after all as this person says, “all right -” it has become is
○■ Yesterday although even l uckily 遙 it was produced the Star Festival event [tsu] [te] [kitamuratoshihiro] it is the stage, it was possible to go! Just Hasebe [betsuki] where 遙 it waited after a long time with cast array and/or advance mood was pleasant and is it is not, [te] regrettable!
○■ ベッキーさんとも っしょだから... Also [betsuki] it is and the [tsu] does and therefore the [yo] something story it does? (Laughing
○■ 【園長】志村けん 【秘書】山... The will village [ke] it is Yamase [ma] seeing Aiba elegance period (storm) Aoki distinct, hawk and Tosi, [betsuki], beam plug Bonn Chihuahua of akko& love dog, a liberal translation
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