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○■ Being evening, going into the restaurant of neighborhood, when it tries ordering the beer promptly, the waiter with came “the no and the sir” under one word
○■ Presently it is not belie ved, this America you can put, “temperance method” was executed from 1919 to 1933, a liberal translation
○■ It does when, then it cam e to the point of being supposed to go to the Japanese reporter's club which is on the reverse side of according to the opera,
○■ This way in England, as t hough it is proper for the people to announce the opinion of the self freely grandly at the public place, it is recognized
○■ In the Chicago “stock y ard”, as for the 碧 river 企 rescuing man observing at that you are slaughtered the pig and the cow, without covering the face, you did not enter,
○■ Because as for this one a s for such behavior we have not gone altogether, please note sufficiently, a liberal translation
○■ yahoo! Via the fund as fo r urgent disaster fund-raising, yahoo! We request the utilization from the urgent disaster fund-raising page which is guided from the top page
○■ In recent Japan, it had a ppeared in the television as a “strange foreigner”, (recently you do not see excessively but) Kent [derikatsuto] in Hokkaido coming for two annual propagation, it reached the point where it appears in the television among those
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