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○■ ナポリ市街に入る 数箇所の交... When it enters into the Naples town, on crossover side of several places it has various ones in one hand, or it happens to see the men who have been shouldered
○■ Because it was introduced with the name which when discovery (* ゚ д ゚) I for the first time know the island, calls the island and the Pompeii island which have the [nanmadoru] ruins “[ponape]” remembering with the name, the stripe when it is and it is tend to call the [ponape] island, but that presently with seems that is standardized “Pompeii” with at one time thing
○■ カエサルの遺言に って後継者... Being designated to the successor by Caesar's will completely [okutavuianusu] of nameless 18 years old
○■ ということで、以 からチケッ... With the notion that where you say, the ticket was taken from the time before, giant à optimistic game in view with [chiyari] to the dome
○■ その文明の洗礼を けなかった... Not receiving the baptism of the civilization the German of northern race, as for their parts lands on the [buriten] island, king right is established, the door of modern society is opened eventually, and success of industrial revolution, furthermore the air is attached to the use of free trade principle, as for this without depending on invasion and conquest, those which it tries to achieve purpose, a liberal translation
○■ Pompeii which conveys, th e circumstances of life of the people of the times when the Roman Empire is entering mature stage clearly for the people of future just, makes the breath of the ancient Roman feel, it is to have become “the town of miracle”
○■ アルコールの満た れた小さ... Alcohol was filled up like the small pool where you were inserting in the place easily to seem, as for the circumstance when just a little… the pool it will be cleaned, we asking estimate to the trader, is refused with the fact of the matter which, the person of the laboratory the body the [tsu] [te]? It cleans
○■ With you say or only the famous place you can say that there was no room which very produces the hand to the band other than this which cannot be heard,
○■ ローマ帝国が最盛 を迎えつつあ... Leaving the circumstances of that time to the times when the Roman Empire is entering mature stage, that way, Pompeii just became “the town of miracle” depending upon the round adjusting that, was buried,
○■ We have stopped even in t he tree branch ancient ruins nearby of Pompeii city, when you heard in [serena] of the Italian human woman guide, answering returned with name of the alias, “black bird”
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