- Japanese talking
http://senese.cocolog-nifty.com/koukishin/2010/11/post-9f9b.html As for [naporitano] president, as for at this incident it was the Italian shame, we have assumed that the explanation, why this kind of thing happened of, is necessary 关于[naporitano]总统,至于为在这个事件它是意大利羞辱,我们假设,解释,这种事为什么发生了,是必要的
- Japanese talking
http://jackmomo-co.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/06/post-dc93.html Pompeii with city name before Naples suburban 2000 of Italy, is famous as the city where with generally known whole day and night it is buried with the volcanic ash 有城市名字的庞贝城在那不勒斯之前郊区2000年意大利,是著名的作为与通常已知的全天和夜它埋没与火山的灰的城市
- weblog title
http://show-time-day.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/06/post-d214.html As for Pompeii as known, the former times volcano erupting in Italy, a liberal translation 关于庞贝城如已知,喷发在意大利的前时期火山
Pompeii, Music, Leisure,