- 'From now on Julian [kaesarurubikon] (on) (in) (under)'/Siono seven raw
http://all-things-must-pass.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/11/post-a73d.html Being designated to the successor by Caesar's will completely [okutavuianusu] of nameless 18 years old Sendo designado ao sucessor pela vontade de Caesar completamente [okutavuianusu] dos 18 anos sem nome velhos
- Japanese Letter
http://blue-penguin.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/01/post-e442.html The betrayal of [rabienusu] which is the subordinate of Caesar's confidant! A traição de [rabienusu] que é o subordinado do confiante de Caesar!
- Japanese weblog
http://hhp.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/07/post-4f8c.html Caesar attaining victory, the [garia] war which reaches to 10, exceeding the Rubicon river, those where it determines that it will designate the Roman power as in the hand, bc 49 year, were 50 years old Caesar que alcança a vitória, a guerra [do garia] que alcanga a 10, excedendo o rio de Rubicon, aqueles onde determina que designará o poder romano como na mão, bc 49 anos, tinha 50 anos velho
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