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○■ 12/26阪神11r 摩耶s. .. 12/26 Osaka and Kobe 11r 摩 耶 s<3 years old under upper 5,000,000>But 1600md Osaka and Kobe proper a little doubt, new characteristic it probably will put out to with Komaki thickly ten power from ◎� [hueimurobari, a liberal translation
○■ 3 jaguar male male 5 Ando Masaru oneself 15 [montekurisuesu] male 4 Taketoyo 16 screen hero male 5 Yokoyama model Hiro 9 [hokutosurutan] male 5 Komaki it is thick 4 Al eggplant line male 5 Ebina justice, a liberal translation
○■ 15サンライズマ クス牡6小牧... 15 sunrise MAX male 6 Komaki it is thick 16 [mainerusukerutsui] male 7 Wada dragon 217 [shiyounanranobia] 牝 7 Iwata healthy genuine 14 Oceanian boss male 5 Kawada military officer elegance 3 [osumidaidou] male 6 Hamanaka 俊
○■ アグネスアーク ( 牡6・河内... These are many word of blog in Japanese the most recent topics.
○■ 9ダイワディライ 牡5北村宏司... 9 [daiwadeiraito] male 5 Kitamura Koshi 11 [kuinobukinema] 牝 5 Uchida Hiroshi happiness 7 [sakurabijiei] male 7 Tanaka Masaru spring 8 Lexington City male 6 Yoshida Yutaka 13 officer male 7 Matsuoka Masa sea
○■ 1-1 beat black (male 4, I wata healthy sincerity and Ritto Nakamura hitoshi) 1-2 [hirunodamuru] (male 4, Shinji Fujita, Ritto 昆 Mitsugi) 2-3 [namurakuresento] (male 6, Wada dragon two, Ritto Fukushima trust clear) 2-4 rose kingdom (male 4, Taketoyo, Ritto bridge oral Kouzirou) 3-5 [jientou] (plug 7, d. [buhu], the French a. Lyon) 3-6 [perusa] (male 4, model Hiro Yokoyama, Kazuo Miho Fujisawa) 4-7 [makanibisutei] (male 4, Komaki it is thick, the Ritto Yahagi 芳 person) 4-8 [mainerukitsutsu] (male 8, the Matsuoka Masa sea, the Miho national branch glory) 5-9 [touzagurori] (male 4, four rank ocean sentence, Ritto pond river Yasushi 寿) 5-10 toe plug Crown (male 7, Yasuo Eda illuminating man and Miho Sugawara) 6-11 gestalt (male 4, Fujioka 佑 mediating/helping, Hiroyuki Ritto Nagahama) 6-12 [kosumoherenosu] (male 4, the Nakatani male it is thick, Masa Miho Kikukawa) 7-13 [jiyamiru] (male 5, c. Williams, %, a liberal translation
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○■ 阪神11r(9月10日) 6... Osaka and Kobe 11r (September 10th) the 62nd Asahi challenge cup (giii) 2000m lawn fall horse racing starts, the better seed, a liberal translation
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