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○■ このブログ書く為� ��hp確認し... This [burogu] hp you verified in order to write, but after all lovely just a little surprise, well the impoliteness, considerably surprise, a liberal translation
○■ 「weblog」カテゴリ� ��最... Event of up-to-date article 2012 coming-of-age ceremony New Year “of weblog” category it continues!! You question with your 2012 辰 year [me], it is!! 7th Masashi cup bow ring conference!! It participates in local autonomy Workshop and the like
○■ Up-to-date article adding “of diary miscellaneous impressions” category directing to national holiday village announcement meeting thickly, the −3! Directing to announcement meeting, the −2! Newly-married itinerary −60 newly-married itinerary −59
○■ ボウリング大会の� ��の忘年会以降... After the year-end party of the after the bow ring conference .........Just it can enjoy, you try probably to enjoy, a liberal translation
○■ [buroguneta]: While parti cipating which is my 0 tone-deafness as for me, we like sport observation, but it is outrageous extent motion tone-deafness
○■ ボウリング・・・� ��やったこと... [bouringu]… you have not done, but it is,
○■ “The bow ring (practice record)” the up-to-date article trial throwing of category say… vise [itsuto] introduction
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[ 画像一... Recent picture being attached article [to picture summary, a liberal translation
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