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○■ ベッテルはppを獲 ためにア... It was about [betsuteru] to attack in order to obtain pp but… It was persuaded in order to preserve option kana? The lead bull being too strong, as for the other teams dumpling state, a liberal translation
○■ Drinking the lead bull, i t perseveres, the better [yo] [u]!! Night scene being clean, the shank - ^^ recording starts, 1 hour 2 hours keeps passing location valve [tsu] [te] receives, a liberal translation
○■ メルセデス・ベン のノルベルト... As for [noruberuto] [haugu] of [merusedesu] Benz…
○■ f1第4戦トルコgpは ッテ... As for f1 4th game Turkey gp [betsuteru] wins overwhelmingly, a liberal translation
○■ As for [aronso] [ueba] pu lling out also 2 times, 2 rank commendation stand of nature! First at the place that the trophy of [vuarenshia] could be gotten,
○■ 「weblog」カテゴリ 最... Therefore the up-to-date article “of weblog” category there is no this [ya] of the word cup: “HONDA and the North American stall error… September 10th (the Saturday), as for [matsuko] deluxe it was in Sapporo? As for bowl Lu resignation assuming that it is good, “the suffering area sufferer seems the God way… Being barren, witch hunt “war crime” pursuit should be stopped!: … If the lead bull, it sells in Japan, method of dieting market throwing…
○■ フェラーリ移籍の についてセバ... Concerning the rumor of the Ferrari transfer as for [sebasuchiyan] [betsuteru]…, a liberal translation
○■ Yes dream greatly it was q3 advance after a long time, but game strength in the midst of substantial 1 departure game was exhibited, that is not to be good saying, probably will be?
○■ レッドブルレーシ グチームの... As for christian horner of princuipal of the lead bull racing team, as for thing of infinity, as a mere sponsor you say that you do not think,, a liberal translation
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