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○■ 軽ワゴン車をちょ と改造したよ... It is light, the car of the top kind of attachment which just a little remodelled the wagon car running the front of the next door lane, hurting, it does, don't you think?
○■ As for former 10 years as for the condition which is conspicuous it was not seen, but after the January this year 3 times, causing the spasm before the family, you say that it collapsed, was gone to hospital regularly
○■ 『京都・祇園で軽 ゴン車の暴走... 'In the accident where 7 people die with the reckless driving of the wagon car lightly, our suspect Shin Fujisaki which drove the car (30), remedy of the epilepsy which loses abruptness consciousness was received with the Kyoto Gion, a liberal translation
○■ 2012.4.1 (金)
昨日... 2012.4.13 (The gold) yesterday (12 days) past 1 o'clock in the afternoon, the Kyoto Yamato Oozi ignoring a traffic light the wagon car thrust lightly in the crossover of four provisions, the pedestrian who crosses the pedestrian crossing leapt one after another, a liberal translation
Light wagon,
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